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Posts published in June 2012

Valley People

THERE'S ALWAYS the local angle: Anderson Valley's very own Eric Labowitz was the presiding judge at the arraignment of Paul Seeman, the Berkeley judge who…

Mendocino County Today: June 21, 2012

GOOD FOR ALICE WALKER, the famous novelist and author of The Color Purple and numerous other books. Ms. Walker, a part-time resident of the Anderson…

Mendocino County Today: June 20, 2012

“VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to appear in the independent film, Goodbye World,” the ad reads in this week's paper, and we wonder who will respond to the…

Thank You, Texas Jon

I’ve spent the last year schlepping the film from Liverpool to Amsterdam, from Bruges to Istanbul, and from Trivandrum City in India to the glittering emptiness of paparazzi flash bulbs in Cannes. But that’s nothing compared to driving to Point Arena from Boonville on a hot day in June.

The Parrots Of Telegraph Hill

Unattended birds usually don't ride the bus, but they got on the 33 that day. Muni's 33 Stanyan line gets you a better look, faster,…

River Views

The June primary election is behind us. Ravens and blue jays perform stealth attacks on the cherry trees. Summer is here. Schools are out and…

Bird In Hand

Three days ago I was settling down on the living room sofa for a much-anticipated afternoon nap, when a bird smacked into one of the seven big windows that make our living room feel so light and airy. Alas, this sickening thud usually presages a dead bird or one so stunned that our cat, if he can get outside in time, makes short work of. And so it was with some trepidation that I got up to look out the various windows to see what I could see.

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. As happens with most ‘scandals’ in these parts, the story of a…
