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Posts published in November 2011

The Vioxx Settlement

Q: Who killed more Americans —al Qaeda crashing airplanes into the World Trade Center, or Merck push­ing Vioxx? A: Merck, by a factor of 18.…

Should This Man Be Extradited?

Chris Diaz, 22, appears at 1:30 this afternoon (Wednesday the 30th November) in Judge Moorman's courtroom where Texas is waiting for him in the form…

The Grading Ordinance: A Slo-Mo Fiasco

"Fiasco, n., an absolute, abject, ignominious, ludicrous or utterly humiliating failure." Back in the early oughts of 2000 a couple of vineyards slid onto Mendo…

Fort Bragg Gets Kinda’ Shystie

They’re Here, There and Everywhere, the proliferation of gangs in Mendocino County. Our headline writers decided this sweepingly inclusive distillation would just about cover all…

Valley People

THE GOOD NEWS. Garrett Mezzanatto, three-sport star athlete at Anderson Valley High School, sustained an ugly-looking knee injury in the final football game of the…

‘Throw The Bums Out’

Louise "Wheezer" Gonyo was recently elected president of SEIU Local 1021. Gonyo is assumed to be one of the SEIU hardliners who claim the County…

Off The Record

This Week: Planning Director outta here; Peace & Freedom sues California; Amazon Warrior Goddess raids Ukiah Animal Control; and much more

Valley People

ED SLOTTE, high school basketball coach, is breathing easier this week. Last week he had exactly five guys out for the varsity, this week he's…

The Jared Huffman Show

When Jared Huffman arrived at Hendy Woods State Park last Saturday afternoon, he was eagerly greeted by a good-sized crowd of locals and swiftly ushered…
