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Posts published in November 2011

Engine Trouble

Three weeks ago, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors spent exactly zero meeting minutes discussing the biggest pay cut for the largest number of employees…

The Logic Of Occupy Mendo

By casting 99% of the US population as collective victim of a miniscule minority's monumental greed, the American branch of the Occupy Movement has provided…

Billy Mayfield — Double Prisoner

Say you're in love with your wife. Say you knew your wife was in bed with another man. Say you got drunk and busted in…

Off The Record

UKIAH DAILY JOURNAL Editor KC Meadows wrote in her “Commerce File” column last Wednesday: “Some folks in Hopland are already very alarmed at the prospect…

Letters To The Editor

UNOCCUPIED Editor, I am sorry to have missed both of the Occupy Wall Street actions that took place recently in Ukiah. This genuinely spontaneous, grassroots…

Are Drum Circles Protected By The Constitution?

From Manhattan, to Nashville, to St Louis, to Port­land, Oregon, to Oakland, California, the police this week moved in to clear out the Occupy Wall…

Lives and Times: Deputy Sheriff Craig Walker

Along with his handler, Deputy Sheriff Craig Walker: Bullet, The Valley’s New Best Friend A couple of weeks ago, I drove ‘over the hill’ to…

Bird’s Eye View: Happy Thanksgiving

Greetings. if you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. A Happy Thanksgiving to one and all for tomorrow’s big event! What a great day!…

Panic at PinotFest SF

Refrigerated clouds hovered over Union Square, breathing their wet, cold exhalations against the window panes of the fourth floor of the Kensington Park Hotel. The…
