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Posts published in November 2011

The “Left” & Libya

The last time we met Michael Bérubé was back in 2007, and he was up to his neck in a rubbish dump, where I’d placed…

Letters To The Editor

OCCUPY OBAMA Editor, The Occupy Wall Street protest movement that emerged this summer in New York City as a public rebuke of corporate greed, fat-cat…

Sex, Corruption & The Kool-Aid Massacre

November 18th marked the 33rd anniversary of the Jonestown massacre. Jim Jones, founder of the 8,000-member People’s Temple in San Francisco, once asked Margo St.…

Spy Rock Memories, Part 11

Udo died in the autumn of 1991. He’d been driving alone late at night, so no one ever knew exactly why or how his car…

Farm To Farm

Saturday morning I was trying to sleep in, but the phone rang about eight. It was my current employer, Mort O'Henry. “Spec?” “Man, I didn't…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all - if you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin... Talking of ‘sitting comfortably’, that was something not at all easy…

Huffman’s Money

The Speaker of the California State Assembly in the 1960s, Jesse ‘Big Daddy’ Unruh once announced that, “money is the mother's milk of politics.” His…

When J. Edgar Hoover Tapped My Phone

As a kid I listened on the radio to “The FBI in Peace and War.” My parents had listened during the mid 1930s to “G-Men.”…
