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Posts published in August 2003

A Day on the Navarro

Friday, after a light breakfast of fruit, I packed my backpack, tied on a sleeping bag and headed up the River until today, Monday. Creek,…

Toxic Cocktail Party

An associate in Albion, Captain Fathom, who knows that I tested HIV positive in 1989, has asked me more than once why I think I’ve…

Burger Family Home Destroyed By Fire

The 100-year old redwood home of third-generation Yorkville resident Tommy Burger and his wife, Bev, was burned to the ground by a fast-moving fire that…

Why Not, Indeed

Bruce, I read in today's online SF Examiner that the SFPD crime lab used DNA evidence to crack a cold 18 year old rape/murder case.…


SWEENEYDIDIT.COM. A reader writes: "Did you know that Mike Sweeney has put up a couple of Bari-related web sites, with the apparent purpose of discrediting…

The Wrong Kind of Growth

Is it growth or is it cancer? Whichever it may be, we want it, and elected officials and their would-be replacements are out in force…
