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Posts published in “Essays”

Where Yards & Gardens Fight Back

Having a pristine, manicured lawn has never been much of a priority for me, which is lucky because A) I’m lazy, and 2) the yard refuses to cooperate. And with California having outlawed lawn mowers…

Capital & Interest: Heaven’s Debt Ceiling

Leader of the Republican revolt against suspension of the debt ceiling just passed in the House of Representatives, Rep. Chip Roy of Texas is a self-professed man of faith. One does not have to scratch…

A Beatnik Nun Eco-Poet Finally Gets Her Due

Poet Mary Norbert Korte, who died last November at age 88, was known as a beatnik nun who left the Dominican Order to join San Francisco’s poetry scene, and as an off-grid eco-warrior who preserved…

Local Animal Groups Are The Cat’s Meow

They say it takes a village, and wow, am I lucky that Mendocino County has such a great village to help with animals in need. I had a huge scare recently when my beloved soul-cat…


By reaching age 100, Henry Kissinger, provided another hook for journalists with something to say about him. The corporate media recounted the career of a most influential statesman, adviser to presidents, winner of the Nobel Peace…

The Retreat

Described in Agro World as “a sort of Esalen Institute for lady asskickers,” the mountainside retreat of the Sisterhood of Kunoichi Attentives stood on a promontory dappled in light and dark California greens above a…

Anderson Valley’s First Settlers

According to Indian tradition, Mendocino County was once a vast mesa, level and waterless in summer, but the coyote (their representative of power and energy) caused an upheaval into its now broken state. Winter rains…

Why Not Take The Bus?

“Urban public transit has never made its living off promises of gentility or grace. To the middle class, it’s mostly been: “We’re faster, cheaper, more convenient than your car.” The pitch to the poor has…


Jack Newfield (1938-2004) wrote that growing up in Brooklyn, the great villains of his youth had been Adolf Hitler and Walter O’Malley (the owner of the Dodgers who arranged the team’s move from Bedford Avenue…
