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Posts published in “Essays”

Unleashing The Zombies

Many of today’s social ills can be traced to, and laid at the doorstep of, well-meaning intellectual dwarves who were naive, smug and opinionated. In other words, the boomer generation. I know. I’m one. Things…

Adventures in Greater TinselTown

The generosity of three people Tina Walter, her sister Lisa and Peter Gordon led us to an eye opening mini vacation at a Vintage beach house in Venice, California. We bid on the stay in…

The Tunnel at the End of the Light

Beware the caption writers of the sixties. They lump it all as a decade of protest and malcontent, which it of course was. But to sloganize the whole slurs the very parts that make it…

Hillary & Donald

It’s an understatement to state that I’ve never been a fan of Bill or Hillary Clinton. They made it their mission to steer the Democratic Party and the American middle (same thing) to the right,…

Dams Not Only Kill Rivers, They Are Tax Subsidies For Big Ag

The Klamath River begins in Oregon, draining the eastern slope of the Cascade Mountains, and slices through the northwestern corner of California before flowing into the Pacific Ocean. The Colorado River begins in Colorado, draining…

Senior Issues: Sleep Update

In my quest for more/better sleep I am not eating three hours before bed, not drinking two hours before, and no screen time an hour before retiring to bed with book.  I’ve removed all electronics…

Irrigation Districts

The rapid rise of the federal irrigation movement in the early 1890s was due in part to a succession of overawing flood-related catastrophes. But it had just as much to do with the fact that…

Polluting The Grand Canyon For ‘Clean Energy’

The Doomsday Clock, established in 1947 by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, has moved closer to midnight than at any time in its history. The scientists see the world in 2023 as 90 seconds from…

Where Yards & Gardens Fight Back

Having a pristine, manicured lawn has never been much of a priority for me, which is lucky because A) I’m lazy, and 2) the yard refuses to cooperate. And with California having outlawed lawn mowers…
