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Posts published in “Essays”

Ludwig & The Bomb: An Oppenheimer Symphony

After Beethoven, few have been the composers named Ludwig. Number two on the list was Ludwig Spohr, reasonably big in his day, though only fourteen years younger than his illustrious predecessor. Spohr’s posthumous reputation makes…

The Rear View

In 1969 we watched Michael Parks in his TV series “Then Came Bronson” riding his Harley Sportster wearing a watch cap, with apparently everything he owned strapped on the bike, a sleeping roll, and a…

Singing In The Woods

Strange songs haunt the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm and first published in 1812 in Berlin. “Old Hildebrand,” a story of a parson’s attempt to seduce a peasant’s wife, ends with a rousing…

Dorothy Day, Real Saint

John Cardinal O’Connor, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of New York, proposed recently the canonization of Dorothy Day. If she makes it through that long process, it would only be fitting for the Pope to come…

A Mendocino Remembrance circa 1942

When Alvin Mendosa’s long-time friend, Buddy Fraser, passed away in 2018, Alvin received a copy of Buddy’s memoir of town life during World War II. Alvin recognized a little gem when he saw it, and…

Conversation On An Airplane

The art of conversation, or at least practice, is as dead and gone as your grandmother’s DeSoto sedan. This didn’t happen last week nor last decade but it makes no difference. We no longer sit…

Big Fight

Back home in the racist flatlands of Northern Indiana to visit my old man I decided to not hassle him for one day, twenty-four hours of no judgements, accusations, or advice.  By day two I…

Affirmative Action & Me

In the late 1980s I felt guilty about using an old boys’ network to secure a teaching position at Sonoma State University (SSU), a branch of the California State University system. I even discussed my…

Live! Laugh! Love!

Live! Laugh! Love! has been the constellation navigation Big Dipper guide to my carefree journey through life.  Nothing but severe diarrhea touches me so deeply as the simple, affirming message of “Live! Laugh! Love!” Together…
