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Posts published in “News”

Cox Case Settled — But Questions Remain

Deputy Jason Cox’s long anticipated sexual harass­ment lawsuit against the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office was dismissed late last week “with prejudice.” The terms of the suit’s settlement are as bizarre as the allegations Sheriff Deputy…

Threads Of Life

I remember sticking my hand in the plaster of Paris, and my teacher sticking a pencil through the top. It was a gift for Mama, from me, by me; some­thing to cherish the rest of…

Bird’s Eye View, 10/21/2009

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. Let’s start with the Thought for the Week: “Just because somebody has more dogs than teeth does not necessarily mean they are…

Library Lines

After re-opening the Library on October 6th, we are very busy, which is great. So nice to see our mem­bers and we always welcome more. The Library is located in the Home Arts Building at…

Highway Robbery In Comptche

Back in the days when the West was wilder, there was a way station on Orr Springs road three miles west of the junction of the Low Gap and Orr Springs roads. Called the Halfway…

Sheriff’s Log, 10-21-09

10/1 9:52am Marijuana was discovered not far from the Yorkville Post Office. 10/1 7:56pm An unidentified man was talking to him­self on Ornbaun Road. 10/8 8:51am Marijuana was under cultivation within 1000 feet of a…

Lives & Times of Valley Folks: Christine Clark

A couple of weeks ago I visited Christine at her Clark Road home, generally believed to be the oldest house in the Valley. Along with a cup of coffee she also gave me some delicious…
