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Posts published in “News”

Mendo’s Backward Energy Plan

Mendocino County has a plan for how it will power its communities and economy far into the future. It's written into several chapters of the…

Off The Record

AARON BASSLER'S despairing father isn't alone in his laments at the absence of effective mental health services. In Mendocino County those services, as they affect…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Labor Day weekend is virtually upon us and while it’s not the…

Farm To Farm

The rows of green salad bowl and buttercrunch lettuce that I'd planted in the shade of a line of hard maples and shagbark hickories are…

The Murder Of Jere Melo

Former mayor and long-time Fort Bragg City councilman Jere Melo was shot to death last Saturday morning about four miles east of Fort Bragg. Melo…

Goodwill Punting

Most of the items on the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors agenda last week were mundane — garbage contract details, redistricting, redevelopment, a couple of…

Lady Mefferd’s DUI

Wine, good wine, as everybody knows, does not make you drunk. A 90 point pinot noir is not to be confused with 90 proof rum.…

Off The Record

This Week: Marijuanaland; Eight months later, a new prosecutor; Mendo's budget demons; and much more
