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Posts published in “News”

I’m My Own Scab

The leaders of the biggest, baddest and toughest union anywhere around have told its workers to go ahead, take a walkout. Walk away from your…

Starting Over

Dozens filled a Ukiah conference room to discuss if--and how--to regulate cannabis dispensaries.

Off The Record

This Week: Opposing wine regulations; Outsourcing mental health treatment; Protesting the Supervisors; and much more

Judgement & Sentencing

Some of the sentencings couldn’t go forward this week because either the judges were missing or paperwork was late getting to the attorneys. Adam Degrenier’s…

Bird’s Eye View by Turkey Vulture

Greetings one and all. If you’re sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Can I say, with some emphasis, that every event/fundraiser at the Senior Center…

Lives & Times of Valley Folks: Deanna Apfel

I drove a few miles up the Philo-Greenwood Road to the Apfel house where I was warmly greeted by Deanna and 12-year old Sheltie dog,…

Spy Rock Memories, Part 8

I don’t know how much time passed before I woke up. It might have been half an hour; it could have been a few minutes.…

She’ll Weep All Her Days

Chef Fransen's got the clean good looks of a young man who might come to your door with the Jehovah's Witnesses, that generic poster boy…

The Great Thirst & The North Coast

Capital is mired in its greatest slump since the 1930s. The ecological fabric that sustains life throughout much of the world is being brutally eradicated;…
