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Posts published in “News”

End of Year Awards, 2022

WOMEN OF THE YEAR, with special grace under hugely unfair criticism: Michelle Hutchins, who lost re-election as County Superintendent of schools to a secret gang…

Off the Record (January 4, 2023)

HAVE THE FASCISTS begun to make their move? Tacoma, Washington, lost electricity Christmas morning when three power substations in the area were “attacked” by unknown…

An Island Of Lost Beauty In SF Bay

Call it human perversity, or an innate preoccupation with the lost and the destroyed. In any case wastelands, those spaces where nothing seems to grow,…

Great Redwood Trail Neighbors Want Compensation

A lawsuit recently filed in the United States Court of Federal Claims alleges that landowners along the Great Redwood Trail were not properly compensated when…

New Life For The Palace?

Noted San Francisco architects and engineers who specialize in recycling historic buildings into new uses are pouring over restoration plans for Ukiah’s storied Palace Hotel.…

The Newspaper Thief

Is it time to call 911 and get out the torches and pitchforks? Because I am outraged at this latest sign of social degradation and…

State AG: Waidelich Investigation ‘Still Ongoing’

Mendocino County prosecutors are telling state authorities that a criminal investigation into a six month old sexual assault allegation against former Ukiah Police Chief Noble…

Mixed Messages

Is Mendocino County capable of financial management? In a recent info-free exchange, former Fifth District Supervisor Candidate John Redding complained that Mendocino County was “imploding,”…
