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Posts published in “News”

Laytonville Council Votes To End Illegal Pot Expansion

At our Town Council (Laytonville Area Municipal Advisory Council: Valerie Edwards, Traci Pellar, MacKenzie O'Donnell, David Jeffreys, Ran Bush, and Jim Shields) meeting on Jan. 22nd, we voted unanimously to support the following proposed actions:…

Cubbison Case Costs Spiraling

At one point in the intense cross-examination of the key investigator in the Chamise Cubbison criminal case last week, Superior Court Judge Ann Moorman turned to the prime prosecution witness and demanded an answer. Moorman…

Mendo’s Crazy Approach To Mental Health

In response to our report on the Board’s two-day self-promoting workshop, Mazie Malone asked: “I would like clarification on the statement about most homeless people not being ‘crazy’ enough to be reimbursable for Mental Health…

Cubbison Preliminary Hearing Delayed For A Month

In a stunning turn, legal proceedings in the criminal prosecution of suspended Mendocino County Auditor Chamise Cubbison ground to a halt Wednesday because of court scheduling conflicts and will not resume until Feb. 24. The…

Investigator Grilled As Cubbison Prelim Continues

Lt. Andrew Porter, the lead investigator in the felony prosecution of suspended Auditor Chamise Cubbison, acknowledged Tuesday that Cubbison’s former boss played a larger role in the high-profile case than originally presented publicly. Porter testified…
