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Posts published in “News”

Former County Supervisor McGourty Denies Seeing DA Memo

Former Mendocino County Supervisor Glenn McGourty denies having seen a confidential memo to him from District Attorney David Eyster that is the focus of pending civil and criminal litigation surrounding suspended county Auditor Chamise Cubbison.…

MCSO Deputy Arrested In Ukiah

A Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office deputy was arrested Sunday evening on suspicion of domestic violence after a neighbor called the Ukiah Police Department, Chief Cedric Crook confirmed. According to the UPD press logs, an officer…

Supervisors Urged To Celebrate Their Excesses, Er, Successes

… “Success” as defined by them, anyway. For two full days this Tuesday and Wednesday the Supervisors gave themselves and their senior staff, the equivalent of participation trophies for mostly doing what they’re supposed to…

Cubbison Prelim Carries Over Into Next Week

Two conflicting portrayals of suspended Mendocino County Auditor Chamise Cubbison emerged Thursday during a second day of testimony during a preliminary hearing on criminal charges filed against her and the county’s former Payroll Manager. The…

County CEO Testifies At Cubbison Preliminary

The County of Mendocino’s chief executive acknowledged Wednesday that the County’s criminally charged former Payroll Manager worked long hours to single handedly prepare a payroll for 1,200 public employees. CEO Darcie Antle testified that Paula…

County Lawyers Trying To Block Emerging Details In Cubbison Civil Case

Attorneys for the County of Mendocino are attempting to block further sworn depositions by key officials about behind-the-scenes events leading to District Attorney David Eyster criminally charging former Auditor Chamise Cubbison and her subsequent suspension…

Abstain Is Just Another Word For Indecisive

It was no muss, no fuss at Board of Supervisors first meeting of the year on Tuesday, Jan. 7. The first order of business was the swearing-in of Supervisors-Elect Bernie Bernie Norvell and Madeline Cline,…
