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Posts published in “News”

An Old-Timer’s Guide To SSI

You are eligible to receive Supplemental Security Income, SSI payments (about $914 a month), if you are blind or disabled or over sixty-five, and have…

Anderson Valley: An Undiscovered Gem [1886]

Having been a resident of this county for nearly 30 years, I thought I might by your aid become, to a limited extent, a public…

County Vets Fighting Forced Move

By far the most interesting topic discussed at the Board of Supervisors meeting this past Tuesday, Jan. 9 was not even on the agenda.  It…

County Notes: Misplaced Complaint

Jacqueline Williams of Ukiah’s Ford Street Project commented on our recent article entitled ‘The Betrayal of Measure B’ on Facebook after someone re-posted it on…

DA Not Recused

Mendocino County Superior Court Judge Keith Faulder denied a defense bid Friday to recuse District Attorney David Eyster from the criminal prosecution of suspended Auditor…

The War In The M.E. Widens

President Biden is expected to make a statement tonight after the US and UK conduct military strikes against the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. The…

The AG Seems To Be Listening

The state Attorney General’s Office is sticking with plans to appear Friday in Mendocino County Superior Court to officially oppose removal of District Attorney David…

County Notes: County Workers Get Modest Raise

But the County has agreed to give them a larger “market rate adjustment” in following years. (From the agreement proposed to be approved by the…

Where Everyone Knows The Goat’s Name

Boonville’s Penny Royal Farm is the place to go if you have a soft spot for goats. Here you can visit with Kismet, Ducati, Lady…
