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Posts published in “News”

Anderson Valley Roots: The Burgess-Prather Story

One of Anderson Valley’s earlier pioneers was William Prather, born on a farm near “old” Vernon in Jennings County, Indiana. His father, John Lloyd Prather,…

County Notes: Handwringing Won’t Balance The Budget

In his latest Supervisor’s report, Supervisor John Haschak bemoaned the difficulty he and his colleagues are having trying to balance next fiscal year’s General Fund…

The Newman Bros Look Back

The Anderson Valley Historical Society sponsored another fun and informative Valley Chat on April 14th in the Rose Room at the Little Red School House…

The Palace’s Endless Complications

In a surprise move, Ukiah city officials are demanding that the Palace Hotel's current owner, Jitu Ishwar, submit a signed contract with a qualified structural…

The Fashauers On Greenwood Ridge (Part 2)

Anne Fashauer’s first recollections of her life on Greenwood Ranch were of the original Louis Fashauer Ranch. Around 1970 she was, age three, living with…

AV Skate Park Momentum Builds

The Anderson Valley Skate Park project is moving forward undaunted even though they did not get the coveted CalTrans grant they were seeking. Anderson Valley…

Everybody’s Broke

(Jayma here on behalf of my dad. He had a positive visit with a pulmonologist this week- great news! Dad's column this week, ‘Everybody's Broke,’…

County Notes (April 18, 2024)

Most of Public Expression at the beginning of last Tuesday’s Supervisors meeting consisted of about a dozen locals asking the Board for a resolution calling…

Take Back San Francisco

It's official. Aaron Peskin -- the best person to run our city, the mayoral candidate whom every thinking progressive wanted desperately to run -- has…
