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Posts published in “Local News”

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. “The Valley’s Most Senior Senior” — an update: Several people have been…

Off the Record

AGAIN, OUR PAPERS are lost. Or languishing at Petaluma's vast sorting center. Or some combination thereof. The Bay Area got its AVA's, as did Vermont…

Farm To Farm

It's no secret what the main agricultural crop of this region is. Wine grapes are the most visible but for the most part only Big…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Once again my observations of Valley life from the skies above have…

Lives & Times of Valley Folks: Harold Perry

A week or so ago, I met with the Valley’s second old­est citizen, Harold Perry, at his home in downtown Boonville. We were joined by…

Hiding Out With Joanne Kyger, Poet Of West Marin

“…the thousand-year sigh in Joanne Kyger’s genius!” — Ed Sanders, “Ode to the Beat Generation”, 2008 Specially For your eyes If you make it this…

Off the Record

LAST WEEK'S COVELO pot sweep netted more outsiders than Covelo people at modest grow sites. Included in the lengthy roster of arrests were a German…

Book ‘Em, Clown-O!

With the film crews from National Geographic buzzing around in Mendoland last week doing a documentary on the local drug war, all the big shots…

Sheriff’s Log

9/20 10:08pm A man in one vehicle was following a woman in another as both raced down Highway 128 in what seemed to be a…
