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Posts published in “Features”

Off The Record

EMERGING SCANDAL, with more fairly prominent Mendocino-area people also about to be rounded up. Arrested last week by a task force raid team led by the DEA but including U.S. Marshals and back-up from the…

Valley People

EARTHQUAKE TREMOR this morning, Tuesday the 13th, rolled Boonville at 5:40am the US Geological Survey said the jolt measured 3.4 on the Richter Scale and was centered about nine miles southeast of Ukiah and nine…

World War I, Lost In The Mist

November 11 is celebrated as Veteran's Day in the United States today. The date originally was known as Armistice Day to mark the end of hostilities on the Western Front during World War I. Why…

Slouching Toward San Francisco

Jim Jones was raised by a mother whose dreams were too big for the Indiana farm town where they lived. “Don't be nothing like your dad,” Lynetta Jones drummed into her boy, while big Jim…

Mendocino County Today: November 13, 2012

ELECTION NOTES, MENDOCINO COUNTY. Assembled by Mark Scaramella & Bruce Anderson Fleeting impressions. As usual, most people lost, and, as usual, almost half those eligible to vote didn't bother. Obama and Romney spent about six…

Mendocino County Today: November 12, 2012

CRIME OF THE WEEK: ON OCTOBER 26, 2012, deputies responded to the Mendocino Coast District Hospital where they contacted Tonya Scheurich and Andrew Jacobsen. Both reported that they had been kidnapped, held against their will…

Mendocino County Today: November 11, 2012

UPDATE. A head-on crash south of Leggett killed a 70-year-old Fairfield man and sent his wife and the other driver to local hospitals Thursday afternoon, according to the California Highway Patrol. The driver who died…

Mendocino County Today: November 10, 2012

IT'S LOOSE ALL OVER. From the Richmond District, SF, police log: “On 11/03/12 at 4:20pm, officers were sent to a parking lot off of 19th Ave and Geary regarding juveniles who were tampering with vehicles.…

Mendocino County Today: November 9, 2012

FINAL ELECTION NIGHT RETURNS for Mendocino County were not posted until 1:43 Wednesday morning. Many thousands of ballots remain to be counted and no further updates will be provided until final election returns are reported…
