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Posts published in “Features”

Off The Record

DONALD R. NELSON, a lifelong resident of the Mendocino Coast, passed away early in the morning of November 6, at home in the care of loved ones. He was a timber faller for over twenty…

Letters To The Editor

OPT OUT UPDATE AVA Editors and readers The California Public Utilities Commission has been meeting since November 2nd for 2 weeks to discuss the Smartmeter Op Out regulation they accepted last year. The meeting includes…

Mendocino County Today: November 8, 2012

ELECTION NOTES, first impressions. As usual, everyone lost, and, as usual, almost half the people eligible to vote didn't bother. Mendocino County has a new congressman exactly like the old one, while the old one…

Valley People

STEVE SPARKS WRITES: “This coming Sunday, November 11th, along with the American Legion here in Boonville, I have put together what we consider to be an important event to commemorate and thank our Veterans and…

Mendocino County Today: November 7, 2012

DONALD R. NELSON, a lifelong resident of the Mendocino Coast, passed away early in the morning of November 6, at home in the care of loved ones. He was a timber faller for over 20…

River Views

On October 28th I attended a presentation by archeologist/historian Thad Van Bueren at the Kelley House in Mendocino. If you missed it and are curious about the early history of this County I’d recommend Mr.…

Precious Dream

Several years ago, I wrote the song Precious Dream, and three years ago when Marcia and I recorded So Not Jazz, our CD of cello/piano/guitar/vocal duets we included the song on the album.

Frank Ward

We recently saw the passing of an old friend and a man who was also a longtime Lodge brother. It was just 50 years ago that Frank Ward, along with others who have been gone…

Inside Man — From Redwood Valley to San Francisco

David Reuben — a short, scrappy investigator with the kind of commanding beak that looked like he enjoyed sticking it in people's business — leaned back in his chair in the San Francisco District Attorney's…
