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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: November 18, 2012

ROAD NOTES: North For the Winter; Redux. By Jeff Costello Early morning, a donut shop in Ukiah. I half-stumble from my room at Motel 6, hoping a large coffee will set my internal latitude and…

Mendocino County Today: November 17, 2012

ACCORDING to an announcement signed “Beacon Staff” or “Advocate Staff,” depending on which of the interchangeable papers you were reading, Connie Korbel is retiring as editor of the two weeklies and former editor Kate Lee…

Mendocino County Today: November 16, 2012

NOTE: The following press release from the feds earlier this year is related to last week's arrests in Mendocino, but no announcements on the Mendocino arrests have yet to be issued. KANSAS CITY, KAN, July…

Letters To The Editor

DRUGGED AND CRAZY Dear Editor: Once again “our” DA tries to strike fear in the hearts of those who care about mentally ill people, re: his comments about Billy M. Norbury. Such willful ignorance and…

Mendocino County Today: November 15, 2012

MOVEMENT STRATEGY BRUNCHES: “Campaign Season” Never Ends for the Professional Left. I.e., “One Big Progressive Cluster-F—k” by The INSIDER President Barack Obama was elected merely a week ago in a presidential campaign that ran up…

Mendocino County Today: November 14, 2012

EMERGING SCANDAL, with more fairly prominent Mendocino-area people also about to be rounded up. Arrested last week by a task force raid team led by the DEA but including U.S. Marshals and back-up from the…

Defending Ten Mile Court

Dear Coast Attorneys, I wanted to add some food for thought for the upcoming meeting on Thursday. As you all know, Mendocino County has a population of approximately 87,000. I have heard rumors that one-third…

River Views

Last week’s column touched on Pomo sites near Fort Bragg, which in turn sent me to Samuel Alfred Barrett’s The Ethno-Geography of the Pomo and Neighboring Indians, first published in 1908. Much of the field…

Nature Bats Last

“Deer have been around for five million years and must know what they’re doing.”— Elizabeth Marshall Thomas Our new home turns out to be a deer park, the resident deer so numerous and hungry that…
