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Posts published in “Features”

Letters (Feb 4, 2015)

I am happy to read that you are following through with a lawsuit to obligate the County to enforce its noise ordinance. The way you have framed the argument seems to make the case exclusively reasonable. There are ways to use frost fan technology that comply with the limits of the current noise ordinance; it is the responsibility of grape growers to respect those laws just like very other citizen.

Valley People (Feb 4, 2015)

GOT UP TO 79 in Boonville last Saturday as January's eerily dry days and sunny tranquility came to an end. First January in recorded history that it hasn't rained in our part of NorCal. But it was perfect for the large crowd that turned out for the seed exchanges and grafting exhibitions at the Boonville Fairgrounds.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Feb 4, 2015

Patterson Recuperating;
Jones Jewelry;
Bridge Jumping;
Kurdish Cafe;
Nearly Daylight;
Massive Media;
SMART Money;
Vaccination Choice;
Pot Rush;
Huge THP;
White Fantasy;
KZYX Meeting;
Coate's Salary;
Catch of the Day;
Albion Benefit;
Tort Law;
Negotiating ISIS

Off the Record (Feb 4, 2105)

MERC, HERC and we're probably ferked, but the Mendocino Redwood Company's hotly disputed timber harvest plans for the Comptche-Albion areas are heating up some more. CalFire's comment line, assuming you can negotiate CalFire's nearly impenetrable…

Vietnam Vets: John McCain’s A Lying Traitor (video)

Earl Hopper spent 30 years with the Army in Airborne Special Services and with Army Intelligence. He and those interviewed allege that the narrative propagated by McCain, of his five and a half years as a…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Feb 3, 2015

Spiked Pensions;
Railroad Gulch THP;
Disease Roulette;
Corporate Pot;
Catch of the Day;
Low Bail;
Psychotic Culture;
Mass Opiate;
Football Impressions;
Hitler's Voice;
We're 44!;
Spring Signs;
Rubin Artshow;
Accordion Music;
Easter Meaning;
Warm Rivers

The NFL = Welfare for Billionaires!

The taxpayers of Glendale, Arizona paid $300 million for the "honor" of hosting Super Bowl 49 stadium. Then came the predictably dire budget crisis that threatened layoffs to half its city workers.

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Feb 2, 2015

Hopeful Forecast;
Navarro River Walk;
Super Finish;
Hollywood Consequences;
National Priorities;
Cuba Visit;
Kentucky Bourbon;
Pinoleville Pothouse;
Curbing Wall Street;
Catch of the Day;
Fouling Aquifers;
February Fevers;
ukiaHaiku Festival

See You In Hell, Hank! [video]

True patriots CODEPINK attempt citizen's arrest on war criminal Henry Kissinger.
