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Posts published in “Features”

Announcements 6/22/24

UNITY CLUB NEWS by Miriam Martinez On June 6th the A.V. Unity Club installed the front allowing officers for the 2024-25 year: President - Mary…

Mendocino County Today: Friday 6/21/24

Deer Riders | Inland Heat | Local Events | Ambulance Appreciation | Left Behind | MEC Juneteenth | Prop 47 | Rock | Agenda Notes | Fairgrounds Closed | Mental Health | Ed Notes | Thou Shalt | Twain Commandments | Lily | Nature Walk | Foliated | Skyhawk Rewired | Name-Changers | Navarro Visions | 1870 Fire | Yesterday's Catch | Saint Willie | Sad Day | Caffeine | Capitalism Murder | Cotton Pickers | Insurance Companies | Pointed Away | SF Restaurants | Fast Service | Wine Shorts | JJ Punts | Landline Win | Your Call | Kittlemania | Strung Up | Rainbow Gathering | Cursive | Tax Measure | Bad Faith | Trump's Speech | Let's Celebrate | Constitution | Believe Them | Profound Cruelty | NYT Stories | Organized Bullshit | Labor Day | Modern America

Mendocino County Today: Thursday 6/20/24

Fires | Church | Interior Warming | Fog | Small Farming | Local Events | Skatepark Thoughts | Mural Art | Summer Fun | Hypnosis Program | Elk History | Weed Country | Anemic Bills | Football Camp | Courthouse Mystery | Mendo Fourth | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Sketchy | Rookie Caitlin | Press Freedom | Artist Annoyance | Perfect Wife | Ted's Cabin | The Earthquake | Consolation Prize | Willie Mays | Storm Clouds | Sam Spade | Old Hateful | Trump Klan | Juneteenth | NYT Stories | Hot Today | Waking Up | Modern Vampire | Nonfiction Reading | Grains

Valley People 6/20/24

Re: SNWMF cancellation. That wasn’t on my BINGO card. Since the announcement says nothing about refunds, I’m guessing that there won’t be any. Musicians, vendors,…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday 6/19/24

Thistle | Warming | Pride Cleanup | Still Open | Point Fire | Wildfire Activity | Local Events | Flemming Announces | AVUSD Construction | Willits Offline | Adoption Event | Bigfoot History | Quick Verdict | Family Day | Duel Exhibition | Daisies | Mendo Bound | Tall Redwood | Decommission Delay | John Shandel | Winery Kill | Yesterday's Catch | Cockburn Headstone | Willie Mays | Tough Guy | Online Blowhards | Big Words | War Machine | Prez Race | Peace Terms | Buck It | NYT Lead Stories | Water Carriers

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday 6/18/24

Noyo Gulls | Warming | Rasta Refunds? | Grass Fire | Point Fire | Local Events | Cline Statement | Westport Landing | AVUSD Updates | Eco Artists | Giants Tickets | Local ISPs | Buttons | Greenwood Ranch | Ukiah Joke | Sea Monster | Destroying Rail | Get Funky | Destroying Pillsbury | Painted Watertank | Ed Notes | ALRFPD BBQ | Young Bear | Navarro Mouth | Pledge Drive | Automatically Participating | Yesterday's Catch | Casa Madrona | Free Gaza | Big Fall | Consarn | Caitlin/Wilt | Passengers | Interesting Times | Bogie Dogging | Not Fit | Now Hiring | Go Figure | Explanation | NYT Stories | Dream Pillows | Trumpism | Encouraged Discussion | Why I'm Running | Fighting

Mendocino County Today: Monday 6/17/24

SNWMF Cancelled | Point Fire | Warming | Local Events | Clouds | Groundwater Meeting | Jughandle Beach | Unity Club | Noyo Center Fundraiser | Ed Notes | My Dad | Housing Needed | Chinaloa Recommendation | Local Reporters | Valley Light | Mendo Weed | Yesterday's Catch | Tased | Bay Stories | Streamlined | 8000 Doors | Writer Cats | Another Rerun | Tonto Gonzales | Woodstock Bound | Jewish Group | Israeli Regime | Bump Stock | Sucker | Trump Affair | Tied in Utah | Berryman | Graffiti

Letters (June 17, 2024)

When 70 million Americans lose faith in democracy, nothing’s gained by calling them misinformed, stupid or cult members. Such charges deflect attention from legitimate grievances…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday 6/16/24

Dad's Day | Breezy | Noyo Bookstore | AV Today | Local Events | AVUSD News | Foxglove | Gualala Silt | Barn | Correction | Transporting Marijuana | Unpublished Opinion | Pet Mogli | Electoral Panic | Flea Market | 66 Hairdos | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Rehab Hurdles | Let's Eat | Marco Radio | Which Way | Nursing Home | Jesse's Mom | Big Bastard | GTO | Perverse Insurance | Return Diploma | Selective Service | Class Warfare | Antisemitic Strawmen | People Stand
