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Posts published in “Features”

Off the Record (February 22, 2024)

CORRECT BALLOTS ARRIVING FOR MENDOCINO COUNTY VOTERS by Mike Geniella About 53,000 newly printed ballots for the March 2 primary are hitting Mendocino County voters’…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024

Showers | Pup | County Fees | Seed Exchange | District Confusion | Mendo Map | Comptche Broadband | Noyo Entrance | Living Wage | Rau Mystery | Variety Show | Vote Cline | Outcome/Process | Sako Recommends | Swag Lamp | Landline Hearings | Sequoia Loggers | Fish Rock | Bridge Tolls | Wrong Highway | Inner Mechanic | Rusty v Ariel | Youth Fountain | Seeking Condors | Yesterday's Catch | Four Friends | Driverless Car | Freezer Plug | Gonzo King | Vitamin Pep | Risk Nothing | Method Emerges | Unhoused Encampment | Covid Policies | Yadda Yummy | Jewish Identity | Race Differences | Ukraine Solidarity | Batman's Nana

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024

Rain | Burn Piles | Dave Nelson | Log Truck | Rural Roads | Saving Trees | Variety Show | Profiteer | Compassion | Lightning | Catch/Release | Cutting Onions | Pebbles Jefferson | Embers | Vote Brown | Oxygen Cart | Vote Cline | Wooden Start | About Madeline | Blood Donors | Tunnelvision | Raze Palace | Alioto's | Press Ishwar | Stop Stupid | Dear CPUC | Scary Costumes | Vote Ted | Belting Ringo | Vote McNerney | Police Proof | Wodetski Recommends | Yesterday's Catch | No H | Candy Wind | Coin Toss | Tam View | Willis Trial | America 1793 | Illegal Power | Target Practice | War Propaganda | Survivor | Getting Trump | Gunsmoke | 14th Best | Tragedy | Seriously Running | Cruel Putin | Donald Sneakers | Sudden Death | Napalm

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Feb. 19, 2024

Wind/Rain | Bragg Playground | Angel Missing | Floodgate Renaissance | AVUSD News | Housing Fundraiser | Water Future | Estuary Sky | AV Events | Last Whistle | Western Swordfern | Dusty Palace | Forest Talk | Sports Coping | Yesterday's Catch | Bridge Robbery | Groucho Sketch | Measure A | Lucas Museum | Prop 1 | Abe Shreds | Autocratic Empire | Paper Doll | Propaganda World | Daily Specials | Vlad & Tuck | Picasso 1956

Letters (February 19, 2024)

The Palace Hotel can be restored. Many great buildings all over the world in worse shape have been restored…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Feb. 18, 2024

Rain/Wind | Bar Joke | Demolition Unnecessary | Angel Left | PG&E Shock | Not Again | Existential Threat | Waterlogged Chickens | Turkey Vulture | 2023 Crush | New Diet | Accomplishment | Supporting Shattuck | Never Blame | Bad Speller | Mockelvision | Gladiola | Cline Hubris | Dropping | Coddled People | Pet Astro | Broadband Launch | Phone Tower | Formerly Green | Drawn Together | Ed Notes | Sidelong Musk | Philo Commute | Yesterday's Catch | Unidentified Object | Safari Surprise | Marco Radio | Ayn Rand | Disinformation, Inc. | Author Theroux | Assange Appeal | So Mysterious

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024

Rain Begins | Scott Dam | Unity Club | Eye House | P Money | Wise Doc | Utility Tax | Clean Underwear | Return VSO | Sheriff Kendall | Listserv Moderators | Small Town | Big Hair | Bragg Council | James Joyce | Gaska Endorsement | Haight/Ashbury | Junk Calls | Yesterday's Catch | Half Talent | Edward Hopper | Marco Radio | Wasted Lives | President Phillips | Jet Parts | Industrial Agriculture | Mind Control | Three Pounds | Gaza Atrocity | Baker Test | Money People | Service Station | Cellphone Resistance | Best Daughter

Valley People (February 17, 2024)

A MODERATE/MILD 3.2 magnitude earthquake centered about 3 miles northeast of Boonville jiggled the Boonville area for a couple of seconds about 4:45pm last Sunday,…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Feb. 16, 2024

Rain Coming | Doc's Shots | Corrected Ballots | Park Update | VSO Issue | Become Tiresome | Ed Notes | Prognosis Positive | Sleep Normally | Outage Panic | Calypso Orchid | Public Safety | Mockel Endorsement | Weed Everywhere | Junkie | Customer Service | Yesterday's Catch | Irony | Mouse Club | Big Tech | Rat Race | Paint Job | Dependents | Moral Collapse | Barbarism | Cowboy Nation | Eggs Ackley | Zionist Scheme | New America | Independence Float
