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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: May 18, 2013

LAST TUESDAY, Supervisor Dan Hamburg reminded his colleagues about the upcoming meeting at the Apple Farm in Philo regarding the pending replacement of the Philo-Greenwood Road bridge over the Navarro River outside of Philo. Along…

Mendocino County Today: May 17, 2013

FOLLOWING THREE HOURS of grisly testimony Wednesday, Wilson L. “Josh” Tubbs III, 38, of Fort Bragg, was bound over for trial on charges of “child abuse resulting in death.” A-month-old infant, Emerald Herriet, was carried…

Letters To The Editor

MEMO OF THE WEEK: THE FAMILY BUSINESS From: Date: May 8, 2013, 11:59:17 AM PDT To:, Cc:, Marti & JR, I had a troubling incident @ school yesterday. I know…

Mendocino County Today: May 16, 2013

TYLER G. FIELDS, 19, of Ukiah drowned Tuesday in Lake Mendocino His body was recovered by Sheriff's Department divers early Tuesday evening. Fields was reported missing a little after 3 Tuesday afternoon by the three…

Roots & Eggs

“Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet.” — Will Holt Lemon trees growing near the kitchen. What a wonderful idea. So we chose the perfect spots on the south side of the…

Mendocino County Today: May 14/15

WILLIAM OPHULS, in his bracingly pessimistic book, “Immoderate Greatness: Why Civilizations Fail,” identifies the primary reasons for collapse as: “Ecological Exhaustion, Exponential Growth, Expedited Entropy, Excessive Complexity, Moral Decay and Practical Failure.” Ring any bells…

In Loving Memory Of Henry Hill

The first thing I saw when I arrived at Henry Hill’s memorial was a live pink poodle on a leash with a pink haired lady in a pink satin blouse on the other end (Jonesy).…
