So classic: your nephew hosts Barack Obama and you were busy walking around north beach, probably for the better, I’m sure you would have been incapable of holding your tongue, for good reason of course. I wonder what the hell is Barack gonna do after two utterly status quo, read murderous, terms in office, move to Canada? Well, to the perpetual pushover president, I retract my allegiance to your pathetic party, you didn’t save it and it can’t be saved. So I’m not quite sure what’s next: are we trying to save capitalism or to destroy it once and for all. I tend towards the latter. More wars perhaps, against indestructible enemies. We need a more hawkish president. I’m looking for a preferably one-eyed candidate who, you know, favors that character from the Book of Revelation. Be careful what you ask for comes to mind at this point, but on we go
While we’re on the topic of the apocalypse I thought I would mention, if no one had noticed, that the Shiites have won the war. They will continue to dominate and menace the region and retain minority rule in places like Syria. A Shiite-Sino-Russian alliance is a serious challenge to the projection of the Obama empire.
Ralph Nader on Obama’s State of the Union address; “Well, I think his lawless militarism that started the speech and ended the speech was truly astonishing. I mean, he was very committed to projecting the American empire, in Obama terms, force projection in the Pacific, and distorting the whole process of how he explains Iraq and Afghanistan. He talks about Libya and Syria, and then went into the military alliance with Israel and didn’t talk about the peace process or the plight of the Palestinians, who are being so repressed. Leaving Iraq as if it was a victory? Iraq has been destroyed — massive refugees, over a million Iraqis dead, contaminated environment, collapsing infrastructure, sectarian warfare. He should be ashamed of himself that he tries to drape our soldiers, who were sent on lawless military missions to kill and die in those countries, unconstitutional wars that violate Geneva conventions and international law and federal statutes, and drape them as if they’ve come back from Iwo Jima or Normandy. So I think it was very, very poor taste to start and end with this kind of massive militarism and the Obama empire.”
Well with that roast still sizzling I’ll move to the next topic. The Bob Dylan story. ‘Bob Dylan Bows Out’ was one of the most remarkable pieces I’ve read in quite a while. It seems like a slap in the face to Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair (whom I applaud) whose website Counterpunch has an ongoing holier than thou commentary about Bob Dylan, his music, his career and in general his overall inauthenticity. I’ve read their opinions on Dylan for years so finally getting a chance to hear Dylan’s side was like a lightning rod. Go Bob! I love how he went to the wailing wall in Jerusalem and donned a skullcap for a photo shoot, sent the pic worldwide, all as a ploy to get the creeps, kooks, freaks, and groupies to back the fuck off. So classic. No disrespect to Alex Cockburn or Jeff St. Clair or Counterpunch, no one’s perfect, but I would like to hear a revision on their opinion of Bob Dylan after having read “Bob Dylan Bows Out.”
I met Kevin Epps the other night at the Roxie on 16th in the Mission for a screening of his new documentary ‘Straight Outta Hunters Point 2.’ An excellent expose about a very neglected corner of this wealthy city. A very remarkable segment when it is described how the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard was contaminated by cancer-causing radiation when ships returning from World War II were washed off there. The movie provides an excellent connection between the wrongheaded and genocidal domestic and foreign policy of these U-nited States, namely the killing of brown people at home and abroad with unerring efficiency and commitment.
Ishmael Reed was named poet laureate by SF Jazz and appeared in the SF Chronicle gossip section photo alongside the ever-dapper Robert Mailer Anderson. A hint of celebrity and a whole heap of substance — now that is refreshing, kind of the opposite of Hollywood, which is a whole heap of celebrity with a mere hint of substance. I think Ishmael Reed is the most right on commentator on the topic of race in America today. I’ll quote from one of his booksleeves; “African Americans have been living under a police state, a sort of banana republic within a democracy, for 300 years. This republic has had many overseers, from slave patrols to state sanctioned racial profilers, but Ishmael Reed shows that the culture of aggression has remained the same, and popular 19th century defenses of slavery bear an unsettling similarity to arguments used today to justify prevailing notions of black inferiority.” To put it short he is an intellectual Muhammad Ali, a real frontline soldier delivering a barrage of fast powerful jabs at America’s long tradition of racism.
With that said greetings to all of the talented guest voices at the AVA. It seems to be expanding with more talented incarcerated voices adding their two cents.
The AVA promotes basic literacy in a basically illiterate society so I hold it high like a banner.
Every once in a while, the writing is so exceptionally good that I must comment. Helen Redmond in ‘NPR: The Voices & Views of One Side’ is one such story. I had no idea that anyone out there thought precisely as I do. I used to be so perturbed by NPR hypocrisy that I would call during pledge drives and quiz the operators about egregious program content such as one time I recall Neal Conan soft pitching the war criminal Madeline Albright with utter cheer and delight. Invariably the minions were incapable of forming an opinion about program content or politics and in their state of bewildered confusion five minutes into a well fueled rant I would say “See, you prove my point, this entire charade is completely without substance, I’ll listen and I’ll never pay, Forever, I promise.” Click!
In that spirit I hereby nominate Neal Conan as Eternal Reptilian Defender of the Imperial Chalice. I cannot think of anyone I detest more or who is more worthy of detesting except perhaps on weekends when my ancient ire is focused on Scott Simon, now that guy is a real pompous ASS!
I love you Helen Redmond.
And I love you Lenny Bruce for saying among other things, “To me, if you live in New York or any other big city, you are Jewish. It doesn’t matter even if you’re Catholic; if you live in New York you’re Jewish. If you live in Butte, Montana, you’re going to be goyish even if you’re Jewish. Evaporated milk is goyish even if the Jews invented it. Chocolate is Jewish and fudge is goyish. Spam is goyish and rye bread is Jewish. Negroes are all Jews. Italians are all Jews. Irishmen who have rejected their religion are Jews. Mouths are very Jewish. And bosoms. Baton twirling is very goyish.”
I played basketball with a Hungarian girl in Berkeley the other day, an exquisite pleasure, and was ready for conversion almost immediately. There’s something about a babushka and skin tight jeans. It’s like the old and the new world together in perfect harmony. I told her my Hebrew name and that my soldier had a helmet and not a shroud, aesthetically superior. She concurred and I sincerely thanked her for everything her people had brought us, including her, a robust representation of good health and genetics.
Hitler was dead wrong, and the saddest most pathetic thing I’ve seen in the modern world is poor white men in California State Prison idolizing Adolf Hitler and tattooing swastikas on their bodies. Cry for the ignorant. Man, they really got those guys in serious chains, mental and physical. I guess these guys forgot that the Nazis were prison guards. For all the self-identified Nazis maybe they should tattoo their prison numbers on the inside of their wrists and then degrade their conditions to refugee camp third world squalor, but I digress. A bunch of boys in men’s bodies being babysat by the State while they draw all sorts of offensive things on their bodies in permanent permanent ink and fight on the yard. Yeah.
Communique to a good man on the inside Michael Carson: When they hunted down Qaddafi I remembered the Muslim Chaplain Imam Jumah from B yard 1998, and the humiliation that was visited upon the Libyan people. I think of all the Syrians I used to know in the South Bay, and immigrants from various Islamic countries all with varying degrees of repression, and their stories. The reaction is visceral. Now Syria.
Well, Islamic culture has a warrior component that makes one desire to fight wickedness and injustice upon the earth and end the humiliation of muslim people, and by extension everyone else. This desire was legal for Bosnia but after 9-11 any such sentiments were clearly illegal for at least a decade until the Arab Spring. I have seen people join the resistance army in Libya, the revolution in Egypt and people will do the same for Syria. The warrior tradition is alive and well because the humiliation is intolerable. That is the greatest lesson I learned from studying Islam, that humiliation is intolerable. In that regard I submit for your consideration the Feb. 23, 2012 New York Review Of Books article “An Exclusive Corner of Hebron” by Johnathan Freedland.
I submit that humiliation for Palestinians is as intolerable as humiliation for Jews.
Nate ‘Faruq Redshank’ Collins
Dear Editor,
Could you please post this missing woman in your paper. Her name is Sarah Mitchell, 39 years old, 5'8,” 220 pounds, blondish brown hair. She's been missing for eight months. Her friends and family are very worried about her. We think there is foul play. She was last seen in Willits at or around 24635 Birch Street. If you have seen her or have any information please call the family at 707-376-5265 or the Sheriff's office.
Frances Seymour
Dear Community Partner:
In March 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) became law. Legal Services of Northern California (LSNC) received a grant to provide education and outreach around this new law, commonly known as health care reform. Beginning this year, I will spend 50% of my time on health law matters. My goal is to help Californians struggling to get health coverage understand their options, and be able to resolve problems with their health plans.
I can provide direct legal assistance, give presentations to community groups, conduct trainings for staff at community organizations or agencies, and attend community events to educate individuals about health care reform.
The Ukiah office of LSNC will continue to provide free legal services to low-income individuals in the areas of public benefits, housing, health, and civil rights law. LSNC has eligibility guidelines for our services, however with regard to our new health care reform grant, I can assist individuals regardless of income. Please feel free to refer potential clients to me, and let me know if you’re interested in scheduling a presentation or training. The attached press release and our brochure have additional information. Feel free to circulate widely.
I can be reached at:
Phone: (707) 513-1024 (direct) or (888) 354-4474 (toll free) Email: Stop by our office: 421 North Oak Street, Ukiah, CA 95482
Lauren Hansen, Staff Attorney
Legal Services of Northern California
In the February 22 edition of the AVA there was a letter from Chuck Becker entitled “Flying Cloud” that was very interesting and a fun read. Do you know him? And if you do, do you think that he would take a moment to recommend further reading on the same subject? There are a few of us here who have an interest in that type of literature. We have read “Two Years Before the Mast,” “The Essex” (about the whale sinking the whaling ship), and a couple of stories about Shackelford, and we would like to read more stories along the same line. If you can and if you want to please see if he knows of any others. I have a friend who will order them from Amazon if he does.
A couple of years ago you reviewed a book about Comanche Indians and another about Tiborcio Vasquez that I bought and have greatly enjoyed reading. I read the Comanche story three times and will be reading “Bandido” again in the future as well. So thanks for that.
I also read a book by Bill Gifford that's a few years old called “Ledyard,” America's first traveler. I think you would like it. It's well-written and interesting — a true story about a Forest Gump type (met everyone) ne'er-do-well from the late 1700s. He helped build Dartmouth College and after screwing that up went on to a series of fortunes and misfortunes.
Take care,
Richard Dooley
Dear Editor,
At the Point Arena School Board Meeting on March 9, 2012 before approval of the agenda, Trustee Susan Sandoval (I have been told is an attorney) wanted to move the second Closed Session to follow the adjournment of meeting. Sandoval stated a report can be given at the next scheduled regular Board Meeting. According to Brown Act Law 54957.7 (b) “Once a closed session has been completed, the legislative body MUST reconvene to open session.” I am not sure but I really don't think the word MUST means a month later! However, the entire board approved the motion without a blink of an eye.
I requested to go on record regarding inaccuracies in the Special Board Meeting Minutes held on February 12, 2012. President Scanlon-Hill inquired as to what they were. I told him I had copies for them that I could pass out. Hill said, “No, just tell us what they are,” but when I started to elaborate on them, I was interrupted by DeWilder expressing to the Board he believed minutes are to be concise and reflect discussions held between Board members. I stated, “Yes, they should be concise but shouldn’t they also be accurate”? Sandoval immediately informed me I could not question the Board. DeWilder told the board he had read the minutes and they looked fine to him. Of course, after that the minutes were unanimously approved. Truthfully, I would think for transparency sake the minutes would not only include discussions/decisions by the Board but also input from community (taxpayers) members and have the minutes be concise but ACCURATE!
Below are a few inaccuracies in the Point Arena School Board Special Meeting Minutes held on February 15, 2012:
3.2 Governance: Public Comment: The minutes stated: “Once a topic has been introduced, Board President Scanlon-Hill will call for public comment giving audience members approximately 3 minutes each to make comment. After comments are made from the public, the Board will deliberate and vote if action is needed.” Actually: Hill had no idea of the time frame to give someone and stated, “We [meaning the Board] will have to decide how much time to allow.” The 3 minutes was stated but only as one option. Obviously, the board did come up with the time frame, just not at this meeting. Should not one wonder when this decision was made?
Placing an item on the agenda: The minutes stated: “If a Board Member places an item on the agenda, that Board Member will address the item by giving introductory information on the item. If they do not wish to address the items, they should clearly communicate with Superintendent Cross, the Board President and another Board Member to present the item for the agenda.” Actually: Superintendent Cross told the Independent Coast Observer this would happen prior to the meeting ever taking place but Hill never stated what is quoted above at this meeting!
Regarding moving the time to hold the Board Meetings. Not in the minutes: Doug Burkey asked when Board is considering the decision to change the meeting to an earlier time they need to take into consideration the public who might want to come to a meeting but work. Hill went on to state, “Yes, we will need to consider this.” Incorrectly put into the minutes: I never stated “if folks would have to wait outside until the Closed Session adjourned….” which is in the minutes. What I did state was, “Would we have to wait until the Closed Session is adjourned to hear what was decided from Closed Session?” I never thought for a minute the public would wait outside in the cold. Hill stated, “The Board could report out at the next Board Meeting.” He never went on to say (which is what is recorded in the minutes) “if not after the meeting.”
When Hill started to talk (at the 2-15-12 meeting) as president of the Board, how he would like the meeting to run, he first stated it was the Board’s agenda but was quick to change his opinion and state “really, it is Dr. Cross’s agenda.” What it truly looks like is, this is not only Cross’s agenda but also Cross’s minutes because most of what was in the minutes (the Board unanimously approved) just DID NOT take place at the same meeting I attended.
When I first received the agenda for March 7th Board Meeting, I noted the change in time from 6pm to 4:30pm and immediately emailed Cross to find out when the Board met to decide on the change. She informed me it was in the Special Meeting Minutes. Yes, it is in the minutes but NO MOTION was ever made to change the time only discussions the Board may consider doing this. Secondly, it was never agendized at a Regular School Board Meeting so interested community members could give input but at a Special Board Meeting. I again questioned the fact there was no motion and Cross told me I should ask the Board at the meeting on March 12th. Per Sandoval I (community member/taxpayer) cannot ask the Board a question and the Superintendent refused to answer my question. Just who is accountable in answering questions in the district? Forget the fact they have a community that does work and just might periodically want to attend a Board meeting. The majority of Board members live 45 to 60 minutes from the district so why should they be inconvenienced?
What the Board really doesn’t know and the Brown Act Law clearly states is, “Public agencies in this State exist to aid in the conduct of the people’s business.” How does this Board “aid in the conduct of the people’s business” when the people can’t attend a meeting because they need to earn a living? The Brown Act Law goes on to state, “The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created.” However, please tell me the name of “the person” who helps “the people retain control” and keep public agencies that are governed to follow The Brown Act Law accountable? I have tried to obtain help but to no avail. Also, how can the people remain informed when you are given minutes with total inaccuracies in them?
On a follow-up note regarding Measure E Bond Fund monies which seem to be missing. This week I received an email from Superintendent Cross and to the parties I copied with the draft of what both the Bond Oversight Committee approved and the Board approved to be returned to the taxpayers but the amount was not the amount that was transferred to be defeased (retired and returned to taxpayers) with Cross informing them, “Please be assured that on behalf of the school district and regarding the Measure E Bond Defeasance, I will respond to Ms. Rush’s questions contained in this communication.”
I will keep the readers of the AVA updated. So, stay tuned!
Susan Rush
On March 28, 2012, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) will be deciding whether or not to allocate $200 million to fund the Willits Bypass. This costly bypass would be only 5.9 miles long and transport less than 10,000 vehicles per day. In 2007, the CTC denied funding for this project because of demands from areas of the state that are in more serious need of congestion relief. In response local city and county officials cried foul, and have been lobbying CalTrans ever since. It is unfathomable that this project is still being seriously considered while every year its proposed costs skyrocket.
As the attached breakdown from Caltrans shows, as of January 2012, the Wetland Mitigation expense alone is over $60 million, making this now not only a $10 million per mile “freeway to nowhere,” but the most expensive highway mitigation ever. As Caltrans and local career politicians push this project ever closer to reality, many of us still believe, as was well pointed out in Mark Scaramella's February 22, 2012 AVA article “The Shifting Sands Bypass,” that an elevated freeway viaduct anchored in unstable terrain is an unacceptable concept from almost any viewpoint — environmental, safety, financial — except, of course, political.
This project makes a travesty of Prop. 1B funding for traffic relief in the most congested areas. Even a casual glance at the 2011 CalTrans Statewide Transportation System Needs Assessment shows numerous costly projects that would improve General Purpose and HOV Lanes and provide the traffic congestion relief voters were promised with these monies.
The same report clearly demonstrates a shortfall of $295.7 billion in available funding for projects and programs identified in the needs analysis, all of which would more effectively serve transportation and safety needs than the limited number of vehicles passing through Willits.
As to the traffic at the south end of town, the funds that MCOG has been sitting on to throw at the bypass should be used instead to just fix the problem with any one of half a dozen city-street two-lane north-south artery alternatives, proposed many times and always instantly rejected by CalTrans. We believe the political pressure applied to the Army Corps & others to push this project along and the continual rise in its costs represent the worst kind of pork barrel politics and is ripe for public inquiry, investigation, or at least public dialogue, and ask you to keep your watchful eye on it.
Please feel free to contact us for more details on the Willits Bypass Project, or our work to promote responsible transportation planning.
Yours sincerely,
Donna Kerr Bob Whitney, (707) 459-3906
Mendocino County Citizens For Responsible Transportation
PS. Mitigation expense for the proposed Willits Bypass Project will be more than $60 million
At almost $60 million, the proposed Willits Bypass estimated mitigation cost has only been calculated for actions related to the US Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit to offset the impact on wetlands. Wetland mitigation costs for the proposed 5.9-mile highway will be over $10 million per mile.
So far, the almost $60 million estimated mitigation cost to offset the impact on wetlands is as follows:
Mitigation land acquisition, almost 2,000 acres: $16,000,000
Mitigation construction costs (minus Ryan Creek): $17,850,000
Ryan Creek Fish Passage Project: $3,000,000
Mitigation short-term endowment: $11,290,021
Mitigation long-term endowment: $11,781,165
Total USACE- related mitigation: $59,921,186
Wetland mitigation cost per mile (5.9 miles): $10,170,000
In addition, the project will be required to provide additional funds, yet identified, for mitigation with the California Fish and Game Code Section 1602 streambed alteration and Section 2081 incidental take permit, the Regional Water Board Clean Water Act Section 401 certification, and the National Marine Fisheries Service incidental take permit. Total mitigation expense for the proposed Willits Bypass Project will be more than $60 million…
Source: Chapter 13 Financial Assurances, Willits Bypass Project Mitigation and Monitoring Proposal, January 2012, Caltrans
Civil service officer of Cartier IMT —
John Marcus Palacios is always the butt of the joke. I just can't stay out of trouble for some reason. People just don't care about my 20 problems but I do always care about thers. I'm back in jail after I had a talk with Adult Probation and he (one member of that organization) could not handle it, the speech that is, for some reason, so he had been arrested. I was just walking by the place at the time. I'm still in jail and I have a court date on March 16 at 1:30 in Ukiah. The Adult Probation officer falsified and straight out lied about the whole incident. It seems they got unlimited resources for lifers. The moment I am feeling free it seems hell's following me and they said I was being charged with a PC 69, a priest in progress that always gets stomped on. Thank you for your support. Please help. Give me liberty or give me death. Holding fort in County jail. I'm pressing charges back on them for violating my civil rights and unlawful entrapment by lying and false imprisonment and negligent neglect, all on false pretenses.
Best wishes,
John Marcus Palacios
Letters to the Editor:
Correspondence requested.
I am currently housed in the Gray Bar Hotel. I am a nonfiction writer (mostly true crime, 'Charles Manson Now' published November 30, 2010, and other nonfiction stories and present artwork, drawings, et cetera. If anyone would like to write or correspond on a Pen-pal basis, feel free to write me at my current address below. All replies will be answered.
Kenny 'Irish' Callahan F-17158
PO Box 409060
Ione, CA 95640-9060
We are writing to you because you allegedly have some control over PG&E. The practices of this institution have become so egregious, so irresponsible and out-of-control, that we believe they should be indicted on criminal charges.
Last year they murdered people in San Bruno. Since then, it has been documented that many hundreds of miles of gas pipelines are inadequate, inadequately inspected, inadequately maintained, and a danger to anyone who lives within a few yards of a gas pipeline — which is, essentially, everyone. No thoroughgoing repairs have been made.
We also object to the so called “smart” meters which PG&E wishes to install in every home. PG&E hopes to save money by using these wireless devices to transmit user data instead of hiring human beings to check their meters. However, to us, this seems to be a ploy to put many people out of work, in addition to installing a unit that may very well be a danger to people’s health, and definitely an invasion of privacy. Recently we learned that if we wish to “opt out” of such a program, PGE will charge us each $75 initially and then $10 a month after that. This is absolutely intolerable. PGE posts huge profits every year, and it is our judgement that they should pay us if we decide to accept the “smart” meter program. PG&E charges way too much in any case.
We sincerely hope that you will attend to this severe problem, which has been the cause of so much controversy, and either rein in PG&E or somehow establish local municipal power programs which can be locally controlled and operated.
We would appreciate your earliest response.
Agnes Woolsey, Linda Jupiter, Laurie York, Adrienne Ross, Anne Marie Cesario
“Eight Million More.” Wow, USDA to grape growers. Seems to me there’s an imbalance in emergency government aid between agricultural crops. Are any other crops given such generous attention when pests cause damage and losses?
I don’t know if peach farmers are compensated for the costs of maintenance to protect their crops and profits from pests and disease, for instance.
I don’t believe the wine industry and grape farmers are so poor that they require aid from our struggling budgets. There are many more worthwhile projects to consider.
Virginia O’Shea
Is there a Pulitzer prize for local writing and reporting? And if there is, how do we get Will Parrish nominated?
He has been outstanding.
Chris Skyhawk
Dear Advertiser,
I'm writing this letter in regards to a back issue dated July 29, 2009, and an article you published concerning “Waterboarding: The Kenny Rogers Saga” by Tim Stelloh. If there is any way possible I could get this back issue I would appreciate it very much. I'm also an indigent inmate without funds to pay for anything.
With this thought in mind I will close here and get this note on its way to you. Please advise Mr. Tim Stelloh that in the coming month I'm going to send him legal material which I'm sure will change his outlook on this subject matter — things the police or court did not want known publicly. But Mr. Tim Stelloh will be the first person who will get this information first. My respect to you.
Sincerely yours,
Richard Peacock J-21505
CSP-SATF Corcoran
P.O. Box 5242 D4-114-L
Corcoran, CA 93212
What kind of world is it when a young person sees a hit and run right in front of them on their own street that they live on, they do the right thing, make a police report, and the officer is so indifferent about it that it seems like he is not listening or even cares!
When a young person does the right thing because it is the right thing to do they need to be acknowledged and praised for it. They need to hear from their authority figures that they have done a good job. Sometimes a word of praise can go a long way to a young person, especially from our police officers here in Mendoland who most people say they have their own rules they go by and only care about who they will harass next.
My daughter and nephew said, “I don't know why we even bother, mom. He didn't act like he cared or even write anything we said, so why should I even care?”
I said to her, “I'm proud of you. You did the right thing and maybe because you did someone else will too!”
Just a little irritated in Ukiah!
Donna Vineyard
Dear Editor,
Classic music lovers in Anderson Valley will be pleased to know that Deep Valley Chamber Music Series will be presenting the acclaimed Ives Quartet in concert on Saturday, March 31 at 7:30pm at the SPACE Theater, Ukiah. The program includes Haydn’s String Quartet #38 and String Quartet No. 3 from 20th century composer Quincy Porter. It will conclude with Schubert’s String Quartet No. 14 in D minor, known as “Death and the Maiden.” Tickets are $25 adult and $10 students (8-18). Advance tickets are available at Mendocino Book Co., or by calling 467-1341.
Linda Malone
Deep Valley Chamber Music Series board member
Groovy Grange Greetings
We are on for March 16, the traditional third Friday slot. Pilar will kick it off and hopefully the sound system will be ready (We can improvise if all the pieces of the puzzle are not there).
The third Friday is reserved for the forseeable future, so we have time on our side as we line up guest DJ's for those slots.
We will have more trainings for the audio for the DJs as the equipment is ready. There are possibilities that one of premier sound specialist, Mitchell Holman, Mike Crutcher, Greg Krouse, and others can help you out for your first session, or just to hold y our hand.
I will not be s sound guy and will focus on coordination, facilitation, and PR for the event.
If you are interested in presenting, please give me your best months (third fridays), a blurb high lighting your dance groove music, a short bio and what ever other information or questions that might help.
A brief reminder of a little background for this event. The first Grange Groove was hosted by DJ Pete and went successfully for a year and one quarter. At the end attendance was falling off and we decided to give it a break. Much of the feedback was that people wanted more diversity in music. Though we did have a couple guest DJs. Jeff totally volunteered his set up,take down time, his equipment for the groove, not mention his sometimes ecstatic electronica, and we still just scraped by with donations.
So if we want diversity then that means we must support diversity, and embrace other styles of dance music, if we want this to be a success
The Danceometer is the final criteria` of good dance music, or in other words we got to have good dance music and a bunch of people there to enjoy the groove. There will be lots of variables for selecting time slots for DJs,so keep the faith,talk it up and most of all come to support our local community dance. Remember we might have years to do all the venues
There will be a donation jar for the grange costs and DJ support (If requested)., and a suggestion box for feedback. There will be ambient lighting,water, and possible other electronic gadgetry to augment the dance.
Again, the dance format, Dance Jam, if you are not familiar with it, is a freestyle, no partner required, opportunity to express yourself through dance groove with your community, and get a really good workout. The event is traditionally bare foot, no drugs, and any verbal socializing is encourage to be outside. The dance is a continuous 2 hour groove, and some DJs follow the Gabriel Roth format of the wave' ,a gentle rise to peak of intensity, an the slide back down for the finale over the two hours.There is some talk of an early start half hour of warm up, stretching yoga music(730-800)
Here are some potentials after Pilar on March 16:
Mica Smith aka Reverend Lovejoy from Emerald Earth, Jerry The Jazz Master Karp, Eric Roots Blues Labowitz, Jenine Native Beat Pfeiffer, DJ Pete, the guy who supported and got the original GG off the ground, DJ Basin, a master dancer and dance jam wave master, Mitchell Holman, Mr. Cool Groove
Bruce Hering
Like-minded citizens in Lake and Mendocino Counties are now circulating petitions promoting nothing less than an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to end ‘corporate personhood’ and re-establish a government of, by and for the people. Collaboration between Lake and Mendocino Counties is not new but their simultaneous participation in an initiative process to change national politics is.
At the time the Constitution was adopted, state governments limited corporate influence through charters that defined their activities and lifespan. Further, corporations were not allowed to make political contributions and lobbying was prohibited. Fast forward to January 2010, when the US Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 to uphold lower court precedents establishing the concept of ‘corporate personhood’ and extending to corporations the same constitutional rights as ‘natural persons.’ Among other things, the Citizens United decision empowered corporations to challenge existing campaign spending limits.
Many Americans believe that it is time for “We the People…” to join together to demand a Constitutional amendment to defend democracy from the undue influences of corporations and unrestrained political spending. Toward that end, grass roots organizations across the nation are working to raise awareness and solidify citizen support through local activities such as petitions, resolutions and ballot measures.
Volunteers in Mendocino and Lake Counties just began gathering signatures to qualify advisory measures for the November ballot. Both measures ask if voters will stand with the Move to Amend campaign and communities across the country to defend and distinguish their role in this democracy as distinct from the influence of legal institutions such as corporations by amending the United States Constitution to firmly establish that:
1. Only human beings, not corporations, are endowed with inalienable, constitutional rights, and
2. Money is not speech, and therefore fair regulation of political contributions and spending is not equivalent to limiting political speech.
Both advisory measures also direct state and federal representatives to enact resolutions and legislation to advance this effort.
Registered voters in both counties can help place these advisory measures on the November ballot by signing a local petition. Petitions will be circulated in Lake County until mid-May; Mendocino petitions until early June. If you have trouble finding a local MTA petition or would like to help gather signatures, please contact Margaret Koster in Mendocino County at (707) 459-5970 or and Jackie Armstrong in Lake County at (707) 274-2459 or
Move to Amend is a nationwide grass roots campaign that already enjoys the support of hundreds of organizations and nearly 200,000 individuals. Through its website and barnstorming tours, Move to Amend encourages folks to form local affiliates and return authority for our democracy to the voters. Mendocino and Lake Counties are among 74 Move to Amend affiliates in 27 states. For more information about local and national Move to Amend activities, please visit .
Margaret Koster
Delicious, Delectable & Delightful!
Thank you to all of the resident community members who chose to bake for the Anderson Valley Grange #669 Variety Show this year. The AV Grange Women’s Auxiliary especially appreciates your time, as well as your favorite recipes, that you so generously shared with all of us. Of course we want to also thank all of our other volunteers that help out with all of the unexpected details that are involved in such an all encompassing event. Everyone seemed mesmerized when coming up to the counter to choose which dessert to purchase. Each year the home-made delights served at the Variety Show refreshment stand makes me nostalgic — especially the handmade fudge, peanut brittle, Meyer lemon bars and strawberry pie, oh my! The aroma of fresh popcorn always takes me back to the memories of my first visits to movie theatres. Thank you one and all for helping to build and grow a thriving and successful community! A good time was had by all and we’ll do it again next year — De-wonderful!
Anderson Valley Grange #669
Women’s Auxiliary
Mendocino County
From a radio report — Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae are asking for antoher $4+ billion “loan.” This’ll bring the total to $150 billion these two agencies have cost the taxpayers, so far.
According to CNN, the TARP bailout program cost $356.2 billion. Also, according to the same source, we spent $577.8 billion on federal stimulus programs. The 2012 budget for the Department of Transportation is $128.6 billion. Agriculture costs another $115.5 billion. The financial rescue package cost another $1.5 trillion.
But the big daddy of them all is the toll for kicking ass around the world. Funding entities like the Pentagon, the CIA, Fatherland Security, Lockheed and Blackwater is staggeringly expensive — in the trillions if you count everything — probably half of the federal budget.
None of these functions are required by the Constitution. (The framers were especially wary of standing armies.)
However, the post office is mentioned. Article 1, Section 8, Paragrpah 7 of the US Constitution states Congress has the power to … establish post offices and post roads.
At present, the postal service is running a $10 billion deficit. That’s an annual deficit. (Afghanistan costs $10 billion a month!)
It could be a lot worse and still be legal. There’s nothing in the Constitution that requires the postal service to be run like a business — let alone profitably. It’s a public service for crying out loud — a service for unifying the nation.
Yet, the postmaster has responded by recommending the closure of thousands of post offices, scores of processing facilities, cutting delivery to five days and laying off tens of thousands of employees — on top of the 110,000 who have already been let go.
Is this a great nation, or what?
Best regards,
Bart Boyer
San Diego
Dear Editor,
As many Anderson Valley residents may have heard, the Camp Masonite Boy Scout Camp is struggling financially and is currently up for sale. Long story short, their inability to dam up the North Fork Navarro behind the camp to provide for boating and kayaking access has apparently hampered their ability to attract the big groups needed to keep the funds rolling in. A decrease in local participation in scouting is probably also a major factor.
I'd like to see if this community could generate some ideas to help keep this facility in the hands of the Scouts. The facilities are currently available to the public for rental use, but who knows what would happen if a sale occurred to an outside entity? I was thinking about an affordable day-care or recreational center that the Deep Enders (and beyond) could use on those rainy winter weekdays? Do you live nearby and need day care? Do you know anything about running a day care? Or, do you have any other suggestions on how to help support this facility as well as the community? Please let me know.
Kirk Vodopals
From the Deep End, 357-1095
Greetings all—
Today, I received an email from Darrol "Hank" Cox, a member of the Anderson Valley Facebook page, who went to school in Boonville, as did his older sister Laurie and his older brother Donald. Although Don was not in the graduating class of 1974, he was in our class for many, many years when their family lived on the Nash Mill road. Unfortunately, Hank advised me today that Don passed away over the weekend, due to health issues. Don lived in Kansas City, MO, and had a stroke a couple of years ago, which had slowed him down. He still managed to work and helped veterans with legal problems, working out of the Veterans hospital in Kansas City. Hank told me he had a number of arrangements to make in a short amount of time, but did want all of us to know. On my personal Facebook page, under “School Days,” I have a number of pictures of Don. Hank and I had been working on Don to visit the valley in September for the all-classes reunion over fair weekend. Their sister Laurie lives in Texas, and is married with 2 grandchildren, and their mother lives in Mt. Vernon, in Washington State. I am sure our hearts and prayers go out to the Cox family during this difficult time.
Also, in communicating with Waive, Debbie and Fred Clark about the reunion, Waive advised me that their brother David, who also went to school with many of us over the years, was killed in an accident in Fresno in 1997. And we also lost graduating classmate John Ferguson several years ago as well.
If anyone would like to reach out to the Cox family, Hank's email address is:, and the mailing address is Darrol H. Cox, 2600 East Division 16, Anacortes, Washington 98274
Jimmy Short
Formerly of Boonville
Dear Editor:
With my late brother Pat’s birthday of March 25th approaching, I wanted to honor him by expressing my feelings of gratitude for having had the best of show, blue ribbon perfect example of what a sibling should be. Sadly some have never felt the bond of family or choose not to love. Pat’s love and loyalty never waivered. And, he was a superior father of two bright daughters. Losing Pat had a profound impact on me, how time is so precious and should be well spent with those you love and cherish most. I am just so thankful that we had preserved a perfect love for each other throughout our life together. I am the luckiest sister I know. Love is the most powerful way to happiness. I miss him terribly. Happy Birthday to Pat Brendlen who will always have my undying love. And I know there are many friends and family who share these feelings. My love to everyone and best wishes.
Terese Brendlen
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