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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off the Record (July 23, 2014)

BOONVILLE REDEMPTION, the movie partly filmed here, doesn’t seem headed for blockbuster status. Even its on-line description is unpromising. “Thirteen year-old Melinda (Strike one! — any movie featuring a kid is, by definition, awful, even if the kid can act) “is angry about the hand life has dealt her,” an anger shared by most sentient beings and so what? “Being born out of wedlock and scorned by many, Melinda desperately wants to know what happened to her real father. No one will tell her.” Most so-called illegitimate kids are better off not knowing. “Alice, Melinda’s mother, feels that God has abandoned her and now relies on superstitions to cope with her guilt.” But God has always been, ah, inattentive, and Mendo is indeed a kind of national woo-woo center. But Mendo wasn’t woo-woo heavy in 1913 when this epic is set. Woo-woo arrived in ’67 with the hippies.

Off the Record (July 16, 2014)

COUNTY AUDITOR Meredith Ford’s proposal to hire herself as an “extra-help” trainer for her replacement, Assistant Auditor Lloyd Weer at $440 per day was approved…

Off the Record (July 9, 2014)

ED KOWAS is gone, dead of a heart attack at 73. His talk show on KMFB out of Mendocino was a must-listen for years, and…

Off the Record (June 18, 2014)

COUNTY CEO Carmel Angelo has included a $45,000 remodeling project at the County Jail in the 2014-15 county budget. The re-do will house a dog…

Off the Record (June 4, 2014)

THE THREE PERSONS arrested earlier this week in a Fort Bragg DEA raid, complete with helicopter, are identified as Rebecca Reynolds, 53, her daughter Jayne…

Off the Record (May 28, 2014)

MENDOCINO COUNTY is less broke than it has been, CEO Carmel Angelo told her captive board of supervisors last week. Supervisor John McCowen didn't leap…

Off the Record (May 21, 2014)

EXCELLENT account on the Mother Jones website by a pioneer HumCo pot grower about how the dream of back-to-the-land, grow-your-own self-sufficiency has become a hydra-headed,…

Off The Record (May 14, 2014)

READING THE CANDIDATE STATEMENTS in the sample ballot for the June 3rd election is a dispiriting experience. The “liberal” candidates are slick enough to stick…
