ROBERT MARBUT is famous among municipalities large and small for evaluating their homeless populations and prescribing specific steps to get people housed. Mendocino County hired Marbut to investigate Mendo homeless strategies. Back on March 15th,…
Posts published in “Off the Record”
Sunday was the 40th anniversary of the Jonestown mass murders. Mendocino County — specifically Redwood Valley — was Jones's capital accumulation site where he milked a series of barebones care homes, staffed by free labor from his church, to get the money to move to San Francisco and bigger things.
THE PRECIOUS little college town of Arcata has just voted to pull down the statue of President McKinley, which has rested on one end of the town's plaza almost since McKinley's assassination at the turn of the century.
SHOULD FORT BRAGG ANNEX NOYO HARBOR? That question has arisen many times over the years but never pursued so far as we can recall. Noyo's a natural part of civic Fort Bragg certainly, and clearly…
SHERIFF ALLMAN called last week. He said he was standing on a street corner in our nation's capitol flying Mendo's colors — in uniform, that is. "I hope no one asks me for directions," the…
SUPERVISOR CROSKEY’S tax-paid junket to Washington was pulled for discussion from the Supervisor’s consent agenda last week by Supervisor Gjerde, and it’s encouraging to see the Fort Bragg solon awake again after his long supervisorial…
THE FOLLOWING ITEM on the Supe's consent agenda will undoubtedly be unanimously approved Tuesday without discussion. It serves nicely as