RANDOM OBSERVATIONS: What we need in this country is project czars. Remember the contractor guy hired to rebuild the LA freeway after the last big quake? The state told him to get it done, that…
Posts published in “Off the Record”
THE MIGHTY AVA recommends these three candidates for the Coast Hospital Board — Jessica Grinberg, John Redding, Karen Arnold. If Coast can be saved as the great little community-owned hospital it has been for many years, this trio will go a long way to saving it.
THE 9th U.S. CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS has ruled that it's unconstitutional to ban homeless people from sleeping on the streets. “Just as the state may not criminalize the state of being ‘homeless in public…
MICHAEL SLAUGHTER has died, just as he said he was going to do in his final message to us.
A long-time subscriber all the way back to the 1980s, Michael had sent us an email that said, "Today I die. Thank you for the decades together. Michael Slaughter.”
(Because they make a lot of money providing invisible and/or failed services and never have to account for how many people "served" and how much money is spent "serving" them?)
THE BIG FIRES are just about extinguished but still no formal announcement of their causes. We are reliably informed that the reason for the largest, the Ranch Fire, is known and not arson. But the River Fire remains under investigation. If you came in real late, the Ranch Fire started on the Guntley ranch property off Highway 20 near the Potter Valley turnoff. The River Fire that began just off Highway 175 and burned east over the mountain darn near into Lakeport is still a mystery as to what ignited it.
PETALUMA'S BATHTUB ART should not get a dime of public money. The problem with this kind of thing — Frisco suffers a bunch of eyesore "art" — is it might be funny the first time,…