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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off the Record 7/27/2024

CALLING ALL CANDIDATES Candidate nominations are open for school, municipal and special district offices up for election in November. Registered voters in Mendocino County who are interested in running for any of the available seats…

Off the Record 7/15/2024

THE LAUGHABLE MEDIA response to Biden's end of last week's “debate” is even sadder than Biden's collapse, laughable because the sudden media admission that Biden is past it is an admission that America's corporate media…

Off the Record 7/6/2024

FORMER COUNTY TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR SHARI SCHAPMIRE: “Ms. [Sara] Pierce [Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector] told the Board that the County has lost about $22 million in tax defaulted properties that have gone uncollected for years and thus written…

Off the Record 6/30/24

CHUCK ROSS Just a reminder, I will be giving a couple of slide shows on the history of Cuffey's Cove and Greenwood this Friday evening and Saturday morning. Love to see you there, we have…

Off the Record 6/24/24

WE PRINT a lot of stuff we disagree with, but I've always regretted not responding to the letter from an ACLU lawyer who said he thought it was wrong of us to toss NAMBLA's “right”…

Off the Record (June 15, 2024)

“NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.” I am sooooo tired of that one which, natch, is constantly invoked in the wake of the Orange Monster’s frame job in New York on charges no other agency…

Off the Record (June 7, 2024)

FOR YOUR ENTITLEMENT FILES. The scene, a Ukiah restaurant much favored by inland libs. A purple person alights at a nearby table with her tea and a huge muffin. She's got the requisite lavender ribbon…
