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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off The Record

This Week: Mendo Choir gets crunk; Fish & Game goes incommunicado; Kendall Smith goes coastal; and much more

Off The Record

This Week: Gjerde v. Smith in the 4th; Enviro-activist & Bari-ite Gary Ball dies in Colorado; Eyster's felony-to-misdemeanor pot swap; and much more

Off The Record

This Week: Congressman Wine Guy on Osama;The Major helps redistrict the 5th; Sheriff layoffs in HumCo; and much more

Off The Record

This Week: Kendall Smith's Portland junket; Dominic Affinito's sweetheart deal in Fort Bragg; Public attorneys take a pay cut; and much more

Off The Record

LAST WEEK, as the rest of us scratched our puzzled noggins, the Board of Supervisors concluded what they called their “decision making matrix,” a process steered by a volunteer “facilitator” from Ukiah named Steve Zuieback.

Off the Record

HANK SIMS WRITES: 'The Eureka Times-Standard kicks off with a piece on Humboldt County’s newest booming business opportunity: Raw logs shipped directly to Asia. Humboldt Bay Harbor District officials are expecting the business to grow…

Off The Record

This Week: Return to Jonestown & the Bari Bombing; a Westport weed battle; Aanestad & the KZYX nambo-pambos; and much more
