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Posts published in “from the archives…”

Bully Boy Developer’s Fort Bragg Rampage

Last Thursday wasn’t the first time Dominic Affinito had physically attacked Dan Gjerde, the just-elected Fort Bragg City councilman. The blustery Fort Bragg developer laid…

Hunting Season

About 100 years ago in rural America no one gave much thought to hunting. In the fall, ranchers and farmers and other country folk, thoroughly…

Socio-Math Problems for KZYX Listeners

1. Jill and Karen were given a rottweiler at their commitment ceremony. If their dog needs to be walked two miles a day and they…

Waiting for the House of Lords

I wait for the stodgy House of Lords to turn Augusto Pinochet over to the Spanish court to stand trial for crimes against humanity, international…

Roederer Adopts Gallo Strategy

Roederer, Inc., as predicted, has now made it clear it will attempt to slowly strangle its vineyard workers’ union. The French-owned winery — the oldest…

Supervisors Pay Panel Wraps Up

Do they deserve more money? Should it be put to a vote? Does the law say only the Grand Jury has the authority to raise…

Bigger Than the S&L Bailout: Why Prop 9 Should Pass

Californians have a chance not only to do themselves a lasting favor on November 3, the can also defeat a particularly outrageous piece of corporate…

Hooked on Horses

This story is about race horses. That means each horse has two names. I tried to use just one name per horse to keep it…

Artist of Empire

What would Art be without a theory and practice of plunder? It's no accident that the greatest artistic achievements of the Athenians coincided with their…
