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Posts published in “Essays”

The Day Henry Kissinger Cried

Just when I thought there could be no further desecration of those who perished on Sept. 11, George W. Bush appoints Henry Kissinger to direct…

Self-Help Yourself

Dear Diary: 7:44 a.m. — My analyst says I should keep a diary so I can get closer to my emotions. What a crock. But…

Botox, the Naked Empire & War on Iraq

I’ll get to Botox and Iraq in a bit. Let’s start with the Naked Empire. Naked in the sense that those who decide on American…

Ride to the Blue

It's Saturday morning Labor Day Weekend and I wake up early thinking about where to ride. Hmmmm. Crater Lake? That blue caldera, impossibly blue, and…

9-11 Reflections

I watched a fair amount of the mainstream media coverage of the first anniversary of the 9-11 tragedy, and was deeply troubled by much of…

Diversity-Worshippers Encouraging Separation

Whatever it is these days, it’s connected with immigration. The West Nile virus is suspected of imperiling the future of any number of birds and…

Nine Eleven

While the country celebrates (if that's not too inappropriate a word) the anniversary of the World Trade Center bombing, one of the television stations heads…

Chippin’ Them Rocks

This summer’s extraordinary rescue of nine trapped Pennsylvania coal-miners verged on miraculous. Scarcely noted was the hellish nature of everyday conditions below. Those who work…

No Holiday at the Colony Inn

I’ll admit I was down-and-out. I was borderline Fun Bunch. But these things are subjective. One man’s pith is another’s drivel. I was in the…
