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Posts published in “Essays”

The End of Silence

We ended last week's article on the Valley's home-grown methamphetamine video by suggesting that Anderson Valley could very well have been the starting-out place for hundreds of notable Americans, whose greatness could be traced to…

A Slow Goodbye to Our Pestilence?

When Anderson Valley's 12 and 13-year-old daughters get sexually violated by some cranked-up, cretinous drug dealer, I don't think today's father gets nearly as outraged as did fathers of 50 years ago. I draw this…

A Slap In The Face

New England Patriot cornerback Ty Law, who has two seasons left on a seven-year, $51 million contract, wants to renegotiate the amount of cash he gets from sick to obscene. The Patriots, anxious to keep…

Sulphur Springs, Utah

Sulphur Springs lies along the old Spanish Trail. In 1840 a Ute Indian Chief and a one legged cowboy stole 3,000 head of Spain's finest horses from the missions in Los Angeles. They drove this…

Legal Warriors Clash Again

Two old adversaries have squared off in the fraud case brought against Pacific Lumber Co. by Humboldt County District Attorney Paul Gallegos. In one corner is Gallegos' lieutenant, Tim Stoen, formerly of the Mendocino County…

Understanding the World with Paul Sweezy

I’m an optimist by disposition but some weeks it’s hard to find evidence of progress in human affairs. There on the tv screen was Secretary of State Colin Powell smoothly fulfilling his designated function as…

The Uproar Over Nader

Here's how a life-long, very radical organizer put it to me in the week after Nader announced he was entering the race. "I have never voted for a Democrat for President and I don't intend…

The Beautiful Saguaro

There is a story in Native Sonoran lore that a very long time ago a beautiful young girl sank into the sand and perished. In that very spot, a few years later, a cactus emerged.…
