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Posts published in “Essays”

Laboratory Vineyards

For ten years, Abe Schoener has been recording the unfolding history of California’s climate and geology — but he is not a government scientist drawing sedimentary core samples from the Earth or a hydrologist taking…

River Views

If it bleeds it leads. Mendocino County has never been a stranger to senseless bloodletting. In the broader spectrum of history the tragic deaths of Jere Melo and Matthew Coleman last summer were merely another…

A History Of Forgetting In Mendocino County

It took until March for a smattering of steelhead to run up flat-bottomed Gibson Creek, a watercourse that flows past the house where I live, in a fastidiously well-manicured section of West Side Ukiah (water-intensive…

Sources Of Wonder

“Our soul is cast into a body, where it finds number, time, dimension. Thereupon it reasons, and calls this nature necessity, and can believe nothing else.” — Blaise Pascal Marcia and I watched the movie…

Marketing Redwood

Fueled by $750,000 of Headwaters Fund money, the county’s Economic Development Division will launch a marketing campaign touting the county’s most well-known resource product — redwood lumber. At its April 24 meeting, the county’s Board…

Spare Change

Two things are remarkable about the last 35,000 years of human history: that things have remained so stable, and that so much has changed. If, as Pablo Picasso is said to have remarked, we have…
