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Posts published in “Essays”

Día de los Muertos

It was awesome.  Last week we decorated Sugar Skulls at the Caspar Community Center.  This week there were alters in many of the shops around town and a large display at City Hall. The little…

A 70′s Story of a House: Radical Roomers

In 1970 editor Dwight Macdonald in Tales of Hoffman referred to the 1969 trial of the Chicago Eight as "the most significant kulturekampf of our time." The Tales book was essentially a copy of the…

A Fool And His Money

A steel bench on an old prison bus, 400 miles of bone jarring in leg irons and chains. A couple of mystery meat sandwiches that had to go down with spit around an inescapable bouquet…

Farm To Farm

Returning to the farm on Friday afternoon I was sur­prised to discover a flock of maybe two dozen seagulls lining the ridge of the roof of the barn. I had not noticed seagulls in a…

Report From Haiti

An opportunity came up for me to go help with the cholera outbreak and I took it. Two other people from All Hands and I went up north to St. Marc and helped in a…

Panther Soccer 2010

Last Wednesday afternoon, the Panthers drove down Hwy 101 to play the Broncos of Geyserville in what would be the final road game of the regular season. In the earlier meeting AV had dominated the…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Did you vote yesterday? Good, I’m proud of you. There are some excellent quotes that have been made on this topic so…
