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Posts published by “William J. Hughes”

Stamp Of Approval

My neighbor is a philatelist, dealing in a philately. I had never heard the term. Stamp collector, yes, of course, but a philatelist? Never. The word comes from Latin meaning to tax, like stamp tax?…


The Beatles. Peter Jackson’s “Get back,” the video documentary reliving the Fab Four’s live sessions during the making of their album “Let it be” -- it's all over the Internet, coming to Netflix. The Beatles.…

Alexander Hamilton Willard

For the last several years I've been on Sacajawea's trail, literally from Montana and Idaho to Oregon. Of course Sacajawea means Lewis and Clark. Part of the trail my brother was working as a tourist…

In Search of Sacajawea

I'm guessing we all know something about her. Lewis And Clark, and all. I now know she was more interpreter than guide, but still there with them. I've met her -- metaphysically speaking, of course…

In Praise of Sandhill Cranes

"Oh Lord, stuck in Lodi again," the famous John Fogarty lyrics. That's about all I knew about Lodi. I've been to the Skydiving Center in Lodi but it's maybe more Galt than Lodi. Anyway.  But…

Stimulation Tour

My $1200 stimulus check was burning a hole in my bank account. It was initially meant for a flight from Sacramento to Atlanta to lay eyes on the Mount Rushmore of the Confederacy at Stone…

North & West Reviewed

Trucks, trucks and more trucks. Unfortunately, that's the initial reaction of my recent trip north from Sacramento to Dunsmuir. Apparently the covid hasn't kept the big wheelers from truckin’ on — maybe more of them…
