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Posts published by “Turkey Vulture”

Bird’s Eye View (July 19, 2017)

Violent protests marred the end of the G20 summit in Germany as 20,000 police struggled with several hundred anti-capitalist looters and rioters, and tens of…

Bird’s Eye View (July 12, 2017)

“The Trump Thing,” or as it had been known for almost 250 years up until recently, the US Presidency. The Atlantic Monthly was not overjoyed…

Bird’s Eye View (July 5, 2017)

Mission implausible. (n.b. When referring to Donald Trump, an asterisk will accompany the word President* for reasons that are surely obvious at this point). Lost…

Bird’s Eye View (June 28, 2017)

The school year came to an end a couple of weeks ago without any more “incidents,” and for many of us it was not without some relief that the recent chaotic events took a backseat for a time. A few weeks ago we had the unsightly occurrence of our Elementary School Principal calling the police and claiming that she had been held against her will in our School Superintendent’s office by the Superintendent herself. Furthermore, comments from disappointed, disillusioned, and downright shocked parents and members of our community, plus folks who work at the school, have been all over Facebook and social media ever since. 

Bird’s Eye View (June 21, 2017)

Please remember to keep the windows cracked if you leave pets in your vehicle. if you don't they will die a horrible death. “Signs that…

Bird’s Eye View (June 14, 2017)

Disappointingly, but not surprisingly, the American media's default reaction to this last week's terror attack in London was to assume the British people were “reeling.”…

Bird’s Eye View (June 7, 2017)

Following the remarkably short-sighted and extremely serious wrong decision made by The President* last week regarding climate control, let’s start with “This Trump Thing,” or…

Bird’s Eye View (May 24, 2017)

One of the Valley’s best organized and enjoyable occasions of the year came and went last Saturday. but unfortunately far too many Valley folks missed…
