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Posts published by “Tommy Wayne Kramer”

Once More To The Coliseum

A few days from now son Lucas and I will take our seats at the Oakland Coliseum, cheer on the A’s, have a long, last sentimental look around and go home. The stadium is maybe…

How Tim Buckner Ruined My Summer

Summer’s here and the time is right for dancing in the street’ —Martha and the Vandellas, 1964 ‘Summer’s here and the time is right for fighting in the streets’ —Rolling Stones, 1968 ‘Summer’s here and…

The KUKI Sale Revisited

Anyone over the age of too old probably remembers the daily “KUKI Sale” that ran mornings on radio AM 1400. It was pronounced “Cookie” sale and was hosted by a variety of DJs, also known…

Our David Eyster Problem

Whatever shall we do with Dave Eyster? We can shake our fists and yell at him but we can’t eat him. We can write mean letters to editors but we can’t chase him around the…

Assignment: Ukiah – California Stupid, And How I Got It

Down South people think all Californians are either gay or work in Hollywood; we forgive them as they forgive us for believing all southerners are racist, uneducated redneck brutes. Caricatures of our fellow citizens are…

Me & The Yips

Many seasons ago I was dragged into service by a softball team I’d never heard of to play a position I’d never played. It went poorly. For the second time in my life I was…

Hinges Of Hades In My Back Yard

Was it hot in Ukiah last week? It was Thursday when the sun quit spinning in the sky and the meteorologist heat index registered between OMG and WTF. Yeah, well I’m a Buckeye. Weather in…
