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Posts published by “Mike Geniella”

Allman comes “Face2Face”

Mendocino County’s drug problems are back in the national spotlight, but this time the coverage is favorable thanks to an innovative and potentially money-making computer program targeting teenagers and methamphetamine use.

Groveling For Dollars

Look at those Costco executives grinning ear-to-ear. They’ve got the city of Ukiah and Mendocino County engaged in a bidding war for the location of…

Weed: the Elephant in the DA’s Office

Former prosecutor David Eyster is jumping into the race for Mendocino County District Attorney, setting the stage for a robust debate over the county’s current…

Build it and they will come…

The state’s nearly $120 million plan to build a new Mendocino County Courthouse is shaping up to be the single biggest  investment ever in Ukiah’s…

Now the real fight begins…

  Include me among the Mendocino County folks who thought that a decisive election outcome last month had put on hold, at least for awhile…
