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Posts published by “Marilyn Davin”

All Rise

Well, it had to happen one day. After three jury trials, two as jury foreman, I was booted out of a jury pool last week on Round #2 of juror questioning. So much had changed…

My Muslim Mama’s Engagement, 1948

Selma sat in a corner of the big couch in her parents’ living room, hands folded neatly in her lap. Her father stood in front of her, stern and larger than life.  “If you marry…

Sweet Sixteen…

I was peacefully sipping my second cup of coffee and cycling through the morning’s newspapers back in the day when my 16-year-old daughter strode into the kitchen and plopped herself down across from me at…

When You Can’t Fix The Big Things…

California, percentage-wise, has the most human beings living in poverty of all 50 states. Its economy is foundering as techies search ever more fruitlessly for toe holds in an economy based substantially on fanciful, clickable…

Bonnie & Clyde, Redux

I suppose it was inevitable though it hadn’t happened to me even once in 72 years of life that included living, working, studying, or visiting 27 U.S. states and 13 countries. Somebody ripped off my…

When Older Isn’t Wiser

America's most enduring political figure now lives in slow motion. Hampered by bad hips, she walks at a glacial pace, usually gripping the arms of two aides who lead the way, her legs flopping around…

A Tale Of Two Windsors

One of the highlights of my mother’s life was when she saw Queen Elizabeth serenely glide by in her royal carriage, gloved hand awave, in the heart of London. I was standing right next to…
