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Posts published by “Bruce McEwen”

The United Nations’ Mendo Grows

Mendocino County natives take for granted some­thing outsiders consider intoxicatingly glamorous, adventurous, and outrageously profitable — the pirate’s dream of going to Mendoland and growing a fortune in weed. The image that many of these…

Court Case Updates

Aaron Vargas is the young man who shot and killed Darrell McNeil in Fort Bragg last year for what Vargas said was McNeil's predatory child molestation of not only Vargas but other Fort Bragg-area children.…

The Hoyle Trial Fiasco: Case Dismissed

District Attorney Meredith Lintott had a problem. His name was Peter Hoyle, a well-known and controversial Ukiah cop with 33 years anchoring Mendocino County's thin blue line. If Hoyle hasn't arrested every crook in the…

All In The Family

Bullet-headed, barrel-chested, built like a brickworks, and with his head shaved and sporting a big, bushy Fu Manchu mustache, Special Agent Peter Hoyle, a 33-year police veteran, much of it with the Ukiah Police Department,…

High School Tagged

Last week the Anderson Valley High School was tagged in two brazen raids that left many locals spitting mad. One custodian I spoke with at the school swore with such fluency and vehemence I was…

Just a Matter of Time?

“I guess it was just a matter of time,” a patron of the Ledford House restaurant in Albion said when he heard about Anthony Geer’s DUI. Mr. Geer owns the renowned Coast eatery. Patrol deputies…

When Love Freezes Over

Remember when motherhood was sacred? When it was simply unthinkable that Mom's underwear could possibly be Exhibit A in open court? No more. There it was, Mom's undergarment. Not the unmentionable itself, but a photograph…

Neither Grace Nor Gravy

The abalone fillet sizzled in a pan of seasoned butter. The wine was so cold the bottle sweated. A dash of brandy went into the pan, the alcohol caught and the chef flipped the fillet…
