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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Mixed Messages

Is Mendocino County capable of financial management? In a recent info-free exchange, former Fifth District Supervisor Candidate John Redding complained that Mendocino County was “imploding,” and “in a death spiral toward bankruptcy.” He implied that…

County Notes: A Colossal Waste Of Dollars

Last Tuesday, Supervisor Dan Gjerde complained about the allocation of $2.6 million of PG&E settlement money to an “elusive” Joint Powers Authority (JPA) for ambulance services in the inland area of Mendocino County.  “We have…

Mendo Suddenly Discovers $6.1 Million Budget Deficit

Last Tuesday’s “budget workshop” was so laid back and aimless that onlookers could only conclude that not only is nobody running the Good Ship Mendo, but nobody much cares either.  Although the books are still…

Supervisors Agenda Notes

Employees Union Accepts One-Time Payment According to a “side letter agreement” proposed for Supervisors approval on Tuesday, Dec. 6, the remaining bargaining units with open expired contracts, including the 700-member (approx) Service Employees International, have…

County Notes: Great Moments in Public Expression

Chamise Cubbison, Dec. 8, 2021 “According to recent information being circulated by email, the following has been attributed to Supervisor Gjerde ‘…this is an opportunity to create increased visibility and accountability through the consolidation of…

County Notes: Use Permits For Vacation Rentals?

The Mendocino Planning Commission is made up of five earnest, deliberative people, any one of whom would probably be an improvement over any of the Supervisors who appointed them.  So it was disappointing to see…

County Notes: Employees To Supervisors: Do Your Job.

The slo-mo train wreck that we have become accustomed to watching since Big Momma Carmel Angelo retired in March seems to have stalled. Say what you will about former CEO Angelo, but she wouldn’t have…
