The Board of Supervisors spent most of their Tuesday afternoon meeting discussing the County's extremely restrictive rules about “tree removal,” aka “vegetation modification,” for pot grow permits. At present the rules say that trees can't…
Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”
Major Contributor
At the January 24 Board discussion of the budget deficit, Supervisor Dan Gjerde complained about the continuing increases in the Jail Expansion project. We’ve written about this before starting last July when the Board seemed…
The Good News (if you think that giving more money to these Supervisors is good): Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector Chamise Cubbison told the Supervisors last Tuesday that the County’s books are finally (basically) closed and the general…
If you thought that Mendo’s budget picture would have improved or at least been clarified over the last few weeks since the last pessimistic budget presentation, you’d be mostly wrong. The estimated deficit remains at…
Tuesday’s first Supervisors meeting of 2023 was back to no-business as usual. Nobody questioned the outrageous new $750k consent calendar threshold proposed by staff in their new Board rules, so that was rubberstamped along with…
Among the new Consent Calendar rules in the Board of Supervisors 2023 Rules of Procedure are some crazy high cost thresholds. “Consent items consist of items that are routine in nature and that do not…
Last November a local complaining about unreasonable noise at all hours of the night from an “obnoxious neighbor” near a parcel south of Boonville asked us for some background on “noise abatement” in Mendocino County…