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Posts published by “Malcolm Macdonald”

Maiden Blush & Wild Fruit

Before the daily pall of ash and dark skies in the afternoon from the forest fire cloud cover, seventy-five quarts or more of apple cider were ground down, pressed, pressure cooked in Mason jars and…

A Tale of Two Meetings

As reported bright and early Wednesday morning by Mark Scaramella, on Tuesday, September 22 (and in this week’s Supervisors report), the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors approved the expenditure of approximately $10.6 million of Project…

John Redding & The Fort Bragg Microgrid

After researching FPPC filings and other public records, it appears that a member of the Mendocino Coast Healthcare District’s Board of Directors lied to a state commission and so far has gotten away with it.…

Fort Bragg’s Microgrid

On August 13, 2020, the Fort Bragg City Council met in a special session. The obvious item of interest on that evening's agenda was the appointment of Mayor Will Lee and Vice Mayor Bernie Norvell…

Measure B Spending Suspended

On Tuesday, September 1, Mendocino County's Fifth District Supervisor, Ted Williams, made a motion to halt any further Measure B Committee spending until a business plan is approved by the Board of Supes. Fourth District…

The Billy Tainter Story

“I was called this afternoon about one o’clock to a Maiden Lady about 35 years of age...She was attacked with vomiting and purging about two hours previous, which still continued with slight spasms... was able…

Those Coast Parks & Rec Grants

California State Parks has withheld two grants from the Mendocino Coast Recreation & Parks District (MCRPD) for over two years. Through a prompt response from MCRPD staff to a public records request the AVA has…

Coast Parks & Rec Update

Recently these pages described the resignation of John Huff from the Mendocino Coast Recreation & Park District (MCRPD) and his decision a few days later to run for the same seat in this November's election.…
