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Posts published by “Malcolm Macdonald”

Tainted Grants & Testy Gripes

The November Zoom meeting of the Mendocino Coast Recreation & Park District (MCRPD) Board of Directors lasted nineteen minutes. The most newsworthy item from the proceeding was the announcement that California State Parks had acknowledged…

Albion River Water

Until the recent mild rains of November the Albion River had been dry for months. Of course, in the few miles of tidewater one could see the usual waterway. However, starting slightly east of Duck…

Helter Skelter Winter Shelter

At the November 17 meeting of Mendocino County's Board of Supervisors an ordinance passed effectively approving a temporary group care facility without a Use Permit, within the unincorporated area of the Mendocino Coast. Within hours…

Two Quacks West of Slaughterhouse

Ed Sniece resides upriver, near a branch in a fork of the stream; one you wouldn’t ordinarily notice unless you already knew it was there. It’s a far piece afoot. Consequently, I don’t see or…

Two District Connections

At an October 29 meeting, the Fort Bragg City Council chose to elevate Jim Hurst to the position of  chair at the Noyo Harbor District Board of Commissioners. Doug Albin was selected to fill a…

Two Ukiah High Classmates

A couple weeks back I shared a “why I am voting” opinion from a man I coached and taught when he was a teen in the 1980s. As something of a counterpoint, let's take a…

Where Are the CRTs?

Seven long years ago the Mendocino County Behavioral Health Advisory Board was called the Mental Health Board. At their October, 2013, meeting its members were concerned with a letter to the editor published throughout the…

The Mendo Coast Enclave

Where do you stand and what do you believe in? That moment when someone says, “I can't believe you would vote for Trump.” I simply reply, “I'm not voting for Trump.” I'm voting for the…
