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Posts published by “Jim Shields”

Water Hauling Urgency & Vax Rights

The topic on most folk’s minds was front-and-center at last Tuesday’s (August 31) Board of Supervisors meeting where they unanimously approved two agenda items dealing…

Pot & Pork Barrel

All-time records are being set now in weed plantings everywhere in this county. This insane response to the Supervisors’ Cannabis Expansion Ordinance is occurring after…

Fire, Water & Broken Pot Rules

There’s hardly a person in Mendocino County who is not aware of the fact that marijuana cultivation is totally out of control. There are four…

And Then There Was One

I thought the best way to bring you up-to-date on the status of the two referendums seeking an election to overturn, in part or in…

Remembering Our Populist Roots

I wasn’t planning on writing about the Great Referendum Movement that has risen organically, and most certainly stimulated by the County’s new Cannabis Ordinance. I…

The Public’s Business, Anybody Listening?

Back in 1997, Gary Milliman, who at the time was Fort Bragg’s City Manager, and I were talking about a problem he was facing regarding…

Rumor Mills & Windmills

According to an AVA post by Rye N Flint, “Local rumor mill has it that Jim Shields permitted 24 out-of-county water trucks to fill up…
