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Posts published by “Jim Shields”

The 10% Expansion Rule

At its meeting on Wednesday, June 2, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors approved the proposed Phase 3 Cannabis which includes the controversial 10 percent…

Referendum On the Way

Irony of all ironies: California’s Grand Experiment With Weed Legalization where everyone — growers, state and local governments, and One-Percenter investors — just knew they…

Mendo to Get $18m for Pot Programs

With the state flush with piles of cash generated by dotcoms and One Percenters who earned prodigious profits during a Pandemic that featured lockdowns across…

Supes Talking When They Should Be Listening

It’s not required to be a historian to know that legalization of pot in California is the most important law and public policy in California…

Mendo: Home Of Sun Grown Weed

For two consecutive weeks, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors have been shaping the new proposed, ever-evolving Phase 3 Cannabis Ordinance. On April 12 at…

County-Wide Election On Pot Expansion?

Last week, we talked about Supervisor John Haschak joining myself, former Sheriff Tom Allman, and current Sheriff Matt Kendall, plus many others in requesting the…

Judge Mulling More PG&E Blackouts

Without any advance warning or notice to anybody, including public safety agencies, Pacific Gas & Electric Company switched off North County power around 4 a.m.…

Stranger Mendo Things

Strange doings down in the County Seat recently. Let me amend that lead. Stranger doings than usual down in the County Seat recently. While we…

Laytonville Council To Supes: 10% Pot Rule Bad

As discussed here last week, County officials have now decided to expand pot cultivation effectively removing all caps on pot and open up rangeland to…
