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Posts published by “Jessica Ehlers”

40ish-year-old mom to a 13-year-old and rescued basset hounds. I am not married but the guy I live with and I are super serious. Except when we're making fart jokes and then the 13-year-old rolls her eyes and shakes her head. I am from NorCal. I live in the house I grew up in. I bake when I am nervous and I like to grow things in my front yard to nibble on and season dinner with.

Forty: Part 1

In T minus a few days, in the middle of the middle of the night, I will be forty years old. I know it's just another day and I know it's just a number but…

Jewish Branches & BONES Animal Rescue

Tomorrow morning at the first shimmers of light, I will join many in the traditional turkey adventure involving multiple hours of baking and if you're like me, varied oven temperatures. While I am aware of…

Glass Beach: Long Time Passing

Over the weekend the kiddo, who is now the ripe ol' age of seven and I had some extra time after playing and before dinner. I asked him if he's like to go to the…

What I did not buy at the Estate Sale

  I heard about it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who... no that's a song. This is a story about what happened earlier today. My friend told me she was hitting…

Confessions of a Dirty Girl

I got an email from my sister a few months ago telling me she had entered me into some kind of obstacle course race. I am in school and work and have a kid but…

We Are All Customers

This photo was posted on The Other 98%'s facebook page tagged "An important safety tip." I get the importance of shock value. This photo caught my eye not just because my aunt was soliciting her…

Thanks to People Who Just Get it.

The night before last I made the cornbread stuffing. I was telling my boyfriend how there is nothing to it but an hour in, (I was working really, really slow) it was clear that his…

Calming An Overtired Baby

It sounds like I am going to hand you a list of tried and true tips about how to get your colicky baby to sleep but that's not the case, so now you've been warned…

The Nameless Cowgirl

So if you're wondering where I went, I will just be honest and tell you I have a new project for school that is taking up a bit of my blogging juice. You can find…
