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Posts published by “Herb Caen”

All Through The Day [1965]

Let’s see how a day looks in San Francisco. To those who bend over a desk or a hot stove for eight hours, I guess…

Baghdad By The Bay [1950]

San Francisco, to me, is like a house of cards: postcards in glowing colors stacked against the hills that march from the Bay on one…

The Cars That Were

Cadillac, “American Standard for the World,” may be making a mistake in its slick and glossy magazine ads. In the foreground we see the latest…

You Should Live So Long

People, places and things we can do without: Bars that don't have a back mirror. When you're having a drink alone (hi there) it's nice…

Mister Nice Guy

If there is one thing you can say about me without risking a libel suit, it’s that I have terrific manners. As Bill Saroyan wrote…

‘Love It Or Leave It’

It still seems to be a popular bumper strip — “America, love it or leave it!” — and it sticks in the craw as well…

Your Humble Servant

What I consider the most cynical utterance in the entire literature of Americana — H.L. Mencken's "No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of…

San Franciscana

Oh, it's a city, all right. Idle statistic: San Francisco has some 800 buildings over seven stories tall, more than the rest of California combined.…

Distant Heroes

I remember when the spitball was legal and when Three Finger Mordecai Brown had five fingers and when the 1929 Seals had a club that…
