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Posts published by “Fred Gardner”

Dr. Assad Loses His License

Hany Youssef Assad, MD, who has approved cannabis use by some 40,000 Californians over the past seven years, is having his license revoked by the state medical board. The board issued its order Oct. 23.…

The Judge Who Ruled Pot Is Medicine

Most drug-policy-reform advocates know the name of Judge Francis Young and many can quote a line from his 1988 recommendation that the DEA remove marijuana from Schedule One: “Marijuana is one of the safest therapeutically…

Operation Script Approval

January 12 — Internet magazine runs a feature story by free-lancer Daniel Forbes explaining how the Drug Czar’s office — the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which reports to the President — remunerates…

Ward Stories

A joint called Polo's on Mason near Market, needing another bartender, put an ad in the paper the other day. Fifty applicants showed up.  Polo's is seeking to make it as a sports bar/restaurant. Several…
