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Posts published by “Flynn Washburne”

I Don’t Know But I’ve Been Told

The night hung on deep summer Ukiah like damp, dark wool— thick, heavy, and vaguely redolent of an indefinable funk. Insectile whirrs, chirps and chillers…

Out Of The Frying Pan…

I was out on a midsummer skulk in classic thief's habit, head-to-toe black and making no more impression on the night than the shadow of…

Hellward In A Handbasket

It was one of those days. No, not one of those. Those are spoken of, and occur, often enough that we may as well just…

Great America

If I were to sum up my personal philosophy in a single sentence, it would be this: Never try to encapsulate anything of import or…

The Road From Perdition

When I completed my first prison term here in California back in 2006, I was bound and determined never to repeat the process. It wasn't…

Perchance To Dream

Ah, bed. Clean, crisp sheets, a good book, and the prospect of eight restorative hours freestyling the Lethe. As a person who has spent roughly…

Adventures In Babysitting

I never had any children, for much the same reason that I never kept rabid weasels: I do not require the presence of small, toxic,…
