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Posts published by “Flynn Washburne”

Pipes & Gravity

You might find this a little difficult to believe, but every now and then I find myself in a condition of violent disagreement with some…

Not The Worst Criminal

I don't know who first coined the phrase "crime does not pay." I'm guessing that some morality play from the early 20th century, coming on…

Hurts, Don’t It?

Children love to play pranks on one another, and the more painful and humiliating, the better. They are ridiculously transparent ruses, for the most part,…

Relationship Probs

You should never refuse a friend a favor, I thought to myself. You ought always be one upon whom counting can be done, like an…

Pennants, Peasants & Penance

As I was watching the walking, talking public relations stunt that is Pope Francis capering on television, soaking up all the love and adulation bestowed…

Cold Turkey

I "discovered" something interesting through my yoga practice recently. I've been at it for nearly five years and consider it one of the most worthwhile…

The Gods Have Spoken

Every once in a while — not often, but it happens — prison will get the better of me. Most of the time I’m all…

Bonfire At Yellowgate

I hate to keep flogging a dead horse, but some things manage, through sheer black-hearted cussedness, to continuously prod one's ire and therefore demand public…

Spongebob v. McConnell

I am ready, willing and perfectly able to admit that when it comes to big picture stuff, the machinations of governments and populations and financial…
